=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Oh my NanoDrop~

Salam Sayyidul Ayyam

Alhamdulillah, still be given a chance by Allah s.w.t to breath in this world till this second.
Experiment on progress. Yes, absolutely. Yesterday, I did try another dilution ratio for my genomic DNA. I wanna obtain a standard curve to calculate the Efficincy of the qPCR amplification. Unfortunately it did not success. Innalillah wainna ilaihi rojiun...

But still, Alhamdulillah since for the same day, i did a NanoDrop test to my sample. I wanna know the real concentration of my genomic DNA. What?  a NANODROP?

UMH>>>Yes, it is<<<< HOORAY.

The Nanodrop machine that I used,
 from the instrument servicing company, BIOLAB.
The software is ND-1000 V3.7.1
Alhamdulillah, yesterday, I was given a chance to do a nanodrop quantification for my genomic DNA. I am never imagined myself to have this chance. I was wishing this chance for several years and how lucky I am this year. Before this, the research assistance did it for me without showing it. Tup2, already get the measurement for the DNA quantity and quality and it was frustrated since you cannot see and know what type of machine it was and how does it work..right? but yesterday, ALhamdulillah...Allah gave me time to do this.

And for today, I did quantify my genomic DNA again.alone all by myself.. Seems nervous at first but somehow, it ended fabulous. My genomic DNA is little but it still enough for the qPCR analysis. Alhamdulillah.

This is the qPCR machine that I used for my fungal quantification.
From QIAGEN company and it is called the Rotor-Gene Q qPCR machine.
The tubes for qPCR is very small. I used the one that 4 tubes attached together.
The qPCR tubes. I did spill the caps once. -.-

Perhaps I need to talked my experiment in brief for the next blogpost so that i would not forget in the future.

I met Japanese friend since a long time we had not meet when I was in John Hines building to used NanoDrop machine. She was very happy, and me too, of course. Lots of thing we did together since the second year of our undergraduate study. And today, she explained me the theory behind Nanodrop, such as the ration of 260/280, 260/230 the peak of wavelength. We talked a lot just now and at 12, her supervisor called her for the meeting. Before she left, what a nice thing is " Umh, you will came again right?" " Lets meet again". She left me with  a smile and walked to the meeting room at level 3. Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving me this wonderful friend. Give your guidance to her too..Amin..

Islam teach me to love others like I love myself. Alhamdulillah.


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