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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oh my Achacha

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

Achacha. Have you ever heard this? What is it? A type of dance?

Achacha, at first I saw the name on the West End market, I just remember the Cha Cha dance. How funny. Achacha is a fruit. The appearance of this fruit remind me the "buah tanjung"-the synonym fruit of the common flowers grown in my school days, back in Malaysia. This fruit also resemble Malaysian sweet dessert, buah tanjung. Achacha is an exotic fruit from the Amazon Basin. Lately, it have been grown in Queensland too. The price is quite expensive compared to the other fruit. It is about AUD10/kg in the supermarket, but in the weekends market, you can get half the price.

I did buy the fruit once in February but I did left them in my friends car (Intentionally wanna my friends who will BFG to taste them but unfortunately the fruit not means for them. Sorry peeps.). I manage to buy them again yesterday. Only two Achacha since am just wanna taste them. Yes, it is a nice exotic fruit, I would say. Here is the fruit that I am talking about. The fruit skin not look so heathy but the flesh is so nice.

Due to limited budget, just bought two, one for me, and one for my friend who visiting me this weekend. 

This is about the size of egg-shaped Achacha

 When I am googling the fruit that day to confirm the named of the fruits, either Ochacha or Achacha, I notice that the way to get the flesh is same like the mangosteen, my favourite tropical fruits, same goes to my younger sister. I need to put a pressure so that the skin is opened.
Squeeze at the center of the fruit! Thats the way. For a better opening, you need to pierce the skin with your nail first.

Garcinia humilis, a.k.a Achacha a.k.a achachairĂº 

This is the nice exotic Achacha flesh

From my reviewed today, this fruit is related to the mangosteen..No wonder the way to open is similar. Even the seeds quite similar since the flesh is quite sticky to the seed surface.

Talking about the taste, it just remind me to the tropical fruits in Malaysia. Most of the tropical fruits taste like this.  For the first time this fruit on my tongue..Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving me chance to taste this fruit. The taste make me thinking, "Oh, I did taste before, Where?What?When?" So, I conclude that the taste is quite similar to Lansium domesticum or the hybrid among this species. 

All in all, this fruit is unique and taste good.

Let me shared
This is Bunga Tanjung. This tree is grown around the school compound in Kelantan, Malaysia. The smells is quite strong. I am still remember, we as a student, rushing to school early in the morning just to collect this fallen flower, and align them together by using the grass straw to make a neckless or bangle..Oh my childhood.
And this is the fruit of Bunga Tanjung

This is different. A sweet Malaysian dessert called Bunga Tanjung too. The shape resembles the real Bunga Tanjung.

 Alhamdulillah, have the opportunity to taste this blessing from Allah.

Still remember the quiz that I had yesterday, How many blessing that Allah showers us in this world. Allah only shower us with 1% of His blessing in this world. Could you imagine, with this 1%, we can get a lot of things from Him. Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Powerful.

Alhamdulillah, be a grateful muslim

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