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Friday, March 8, 2013

A story about DuriAn

Once, I read a phrase that I barely remember it but somehow, it sounds like

“There is no fruit can fall down without you climb up the tree and get it”


My answer is NOPE!

How about DURIAN? Coconut?

Yup, this fruit came across into my mind as the lightning struck my brain. WOW! Yes, I am the durian-lover. Most of people found that this fruit has a strong smell. Yes, I can accept it for those who never taste it and who ever not familiar with this fruit. I am just cannot tolerate when one of my friend said that her lecturer told that the smell is like urine. How childish a professional career person describes the fruit. I’m just cannot accept it since how you can compare the food with the something that you cannot even lick it. At least try to respect the food and the people who love it >.-. And try to appreciate the food around you since lots of people in this world struggle everyday for just a bite of food to fill their empty stomach.

Many people fall in love with durian for the first time they eat too, regardless what the smell is like. For me, durian needs to eat fresh, on the same day it touch the ground. This is because the smell emits from this day is not so strong and the taste is superb. Yes, superb creamy (depends on the type of durian itself). I like the creamy and firm green durian and not really a fan of smooth durian. By the way, durian flower has a very pleasant fragrant and I really enjoy picking the abscission flower on the ground and sometimes I smell from the tree itself.. =D

So, what happen to the durian that cannot be eaten in the same day of its fallen? Yes, this is cannot be help since there are lots of durian fall down to the earth on the same day. So what we gonna do with them? There are several things that you can do with durian

1.     Eat fresh with the fresh coconut milk and glutinous rice-Yummy yummy
2.     Cook with coconut milk, add some pandan leaves and sugar palm, and eat with glutinous rice- Yummy but a bit sweet
3.     Fried with sugarpalm until it dried out-without oil added and this can last longer
4.     Mix with sugar, salt and chilies to make a food flavour- or else we called it TEMPOYAK in Malaysia
5.     Muffin, cake, crepe and other baking/fried/steamed stuff that came across your mind- Why not give it a try, right? And perhaps you can commercializes them like how vegemite is.

The power point durian..
When I get home during the season, will post some of fresh Durian ok?

Back to the phrase before,

“There is no fruit can fall down without you climb up the tree and get it”

It is about endeavor. Yes, nothing can come to us without we struggle to get them. Even a durian, although you did not have to climb the tree, you still need to rush to pick them once you heard the sound (if not it might be stole =P), and find a good knife to open it carefully. A durian seems easy since you just wait for them to fall but in reality it is one of the difficult fruit to consume since you need to face its sharp thorn. Compared to the other fruit, you can just freely eat them straight away after you pluck them such as apple and mango.

There are lots of thing around us that can make us think and reflect our life. Just like an ayah in Al-Quran, chapter 3 verses 191.

Semoga Jumaat kita bermanfaat hari ini. InsyaAllah. Alhamdulillah.

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