=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

First lecture on 2013


And Alhamdulillah, I had my first lecture for my last undergraduate course. RBUS6911 is a course similar to BIOT2002 and BIOT3004, with more details and explanation. They were about commercialization in research world.  RBUS6911 stand for Commerce Honours Seminar. This course is a combination of students from various area of study such as marketing, business and honours in research based. I am enjoyed this course, of course!! I am know a little bit about business or more specific nere, the intelectual property but somehow these course did open my mind a little by little about the world of MONEY >.< and Value.  Yes, it is not all about money but the VALUE. The value to the community, value to the organisation, value to the needed and of course, value to self. ALhamdulillah.

I came at 9am sharp today but the lecture had begin already. Why? I am so confused. Is my watch wrong? Oh no! The clock wall showed the 910am. I thought I am the late one but there are few more peoples (many) coming after that.. Huhu -.-. As the lecture finish, realise that the clock wall is 10 minutes earlier and the sister beside me said that the lecture is just began when I entered the room. that is mean ""I'm LATE for just a few seconds"""""""""" OH NO!!!!

Intellectual Property (IP)?

IP represents the property of your mind or intellect or also known as your proprietary of knowledge. It is something like your invention, trade mark, original design or the practical application of a good idea. 

Types of IP?
  1. Patent
  2. Trade mark
  3. Plant Breeders Right
  4. Design
  5. Copyright
  6. Circuit layout right
  7. Trade secret/confidentiality

What is patent?

>> It is something that granted you a right for any device, substance, method or process, which is new, inventive and useful.

>>meaning that you can protect your idea, since an idea without protection is useless.

>>the life of patent is 20 years, that means, within this period, you will have no competitors on your patent.

>>Artistic creations, mathematical models and in short purely mental processes is cannot be patented

Why need patent?

>> Organisation need patent for research and research training

>> Patent give money to this organisation to keep research keeps going and become competitive

>>Competitive? (Yes, in research for example, you need to buy the most updated and advanced technology so that you can discover many things easier and quicker)

::This to ensure that the performance is maintained. =D

Weird IP

>> It does sound weird since even the smell, sound, hologram, color, motion, aroma and tactile also are patentable..There are eligible to have the intelectual property protection too.

>>Why? Oh..even the sound can be commercialise such as by making it as a ..RINGTONE!!, and even a smell can distinguish between the drink

>>about the smell,,,the most I like and agree is..The smell of fresh cut grass..For me this is laughable but still, this smell is really make my mind calm..Alhamdulillah, Thank You Ya Rabb for giving us these creation of yours. Although we stepped on grass everyday, and even we cut them, they still give us the best. It protect us from the sharpness of soil texture and the nice and  calm fragrance.

What is the basic of Intellectual Property?


Type of knowledge?

You can gain knowledge from
  1. Experience-you know when you did it (imply your knowledge)
  2. Fact or truth (learning before you do it such as by reading. This is very VERY and very essential and powerful of knowledge due to ability to create new knowledge)
  3. Branch of learning- knowledge in specific area that require skill and technique
  4. Study/research-experimental such as by doing backyard invention
The #2 and #4 type of knowledge is potential to impact larger population and are Very very important...of course, knowledge is very powerful.

 To have better life kot>


1) Codified knowledge - a written knowledge that you wanna explain to everyone. Like a research paper. it is something that you already come up before.

2) Tacit knowledge - the future knowledge that you wanna people to have and this is a valuable knowledge.. =D

Alhamdulillah,blogging and at the same time revising the day of lecture.

InsyaAllah, everything will be fine


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