=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Adakah aku sayangkan sahabatku macamana aku sayangkan diri aku sendiri?


Do I love my friends like my own self?

O Allah, I like to complaint so much when I was with friends before. my tongue like a snakes'. Word an action are completely different sometimes. I do love my friends. I love them till it hard for me to let them go.

So, what is my solution for this? I did bad things to them, for example, I make a sour face, not talk to them, annoyed them with my actions and so on. I hope that I will hate them and not miss them when ever they leave me.

My hypothesis is wrong!! Significantly wrong!! I am still miss them,...plus with my guilty action towards them. I am still remember several childish things I did to my friends, my beloved friends. O my friends I prayed that all  of you will have a bless life in this world and hereafter. Forgive me. I am still unable to confront all of you although I did apologise when I meet you all. Forgive me...

Just now, met a friend. She said to me that she do care her relationship with ALLAH but not between humans, and how she feel so bad about that. Yes, me too, and I always reflect myself about this matter. I like to talk bad.O Allah, how ignorance I am. I know what happens in Akhirat when I am talking bad things about others, I will eat the flesh of death. Even the sins of defame and slander is worse than adultery. O Allah, forgive me and avoid me from doing these haram things...

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