=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The House


House. Since young, I wanna built a house for my parents. A nice and proper house. When I'm getting older, the term built actually means to add, or to make it better. My parents already own a house since I was a child. It was a shophouse, or something like a warehouse. Although it is what it is, that was the place that I grew up till today. My father told me once, "look, how old and shabby our house is" with his eyes looking at the roof of our house. At that moment, I feel nothing since I am grateful to have a house, a house that my parents own, with no need to pay the rental. Even though it is old and shabby compared to the other houses, I am so lucky since " My House is My Paradise".

My house area is surrounding with many beauty houses. Since young too, I planned to make my house the most elegant and naturally sophisticated. To make our house to have bigger size, bigger house compound, more levels, more exclusive furniture, pools, playgrounds and so on. Oh, how world cheat me when I was child.

Now, I am grow older and become more rational. This world is just for a moment and the Akhirah is the real and truth life of all human. Islam do teach me to be moderate in whatever we do. Alhamdulillah. Yes, Islam do not prevent human to grab the luxury in this life but what is the meaning of all the luxurious if it mislead our life, become arrogant and ungrateful? So, is it worth it? Person try to catch up with life by neglecting the life surrounding them. A father forget their responsibility to taking care of the family by giving the love and the feel of belonging, just because rushing for money. A mother neglect the responsibility to feed their child and family just because to be the most beauty and elegant person. And a child, forget the responsibility to taking care of parents just because wanna have fun with friends. This is a simple example fro daily life but somehow it is related to many of us.

Alhamdulillah, the aims that I really wanna achieved since child, InsyaAllah, I will struggle for them but I really wanna to achieve them in Akhirah too. And all of these is Allah's.

This is once of the world luxury. Could you imagine how the Paradise will look like? Subhanallah, it must be millions and millions time greater than this. InsyaAllah, lets do our part in this world so that we can grab the Paradise in Akhirah...Amin..

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