=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weather is changing..Its COOL and I'm COLD..


Todays weather in St.Lucia is quite cool compared to the last few days. The temperature is 26 celcius (quite ok) but somehow I feel so cold today. Luckily bring my sweet grey sweater (have been with me since I was here). This refreshing weather with humidity 67% is enough for me to thankful Allah for all the blessing that He gave me till this seconds. Alhamdulillah.

I was thinking to stay back in the university library to finish my write up but the house is 'calling' me. Somehow, there is a talk in the university today regarding the marriage in Islam. "How beautiful marriage in Halal way" is the topic will be delivered and discussed. Should I go? See how.

Lots to shared but today, just wanna shared about the weather since in 107 days I would leave this continent. Thus I will try to grab every seconds of my experience deep into my heart and on this screen. I wanna observe this wonderful continent not only from my eyes but also deep from my heart. o Allah, I will miss this continent....

InsyaAllah, will grab all the opportunity that comes to me without being too greedy..

O ALLAH, ease my way to finish this semester with flying colours.I hope all my endeavour will be under Your Bless.


Oh, how i will miss them..

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