=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

GuaVa a.k.a Jambu Batu

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar rahim


Today, once again, lets getting know more about fruits.
I did not do any research but just wanna share the pictures. These were taken at my rental house. I could not believe at first to meet this Jambu batu in Australia =D. The outside looks similar with the one in Malaysia that I had them during my childhood, but there are lots of seeds inside. No wonder people do not ate them, just the birds..

The young

The flower


How I wish to have them when they are half riped

This colours is the most tempting one. Remind me on how I were always"guarding" that guava tree in my grandma.

Oh how colours make my saliva running..Huhu. Just wanna bite them =D

The memory still lingering in my minds. It is when I was in secondary school. Before I went to boarding school, I like to climb trees, all trees except the coconut one =(. then, one day when I came home for holiday, I took the opportunity to climb the guava tree since the fruits is sooooo... tempting and plus, i have not had them for a couples of months or perhaps years at that time. So, I decide to climb the tree and pluck them myself. So contented! and satisfied!!! Haha

But, the story began when I 'reach' the ground.

"Ops". Huhu. My eldest brother stared at me. 
"Did you just climb up the tree?", he asked
"Yes, and why?", I am asking while giving him a smile. Actually I am really embarrassed at that time since it is not proper to climb up the tree. I am a woman...not a girl anymore.
He did just throw me a  smile (cynical?) and went away to his friends.
Haha, ok, I'm promise not to climb a tree in front of your friends anymore. 
But actually, I already make sure the line is clearlah bro.

Ok, thats it about the guava, me and my elder brother. 
Oh brother, I love you <3 are="" getting="" married="" p="" when="" you="">

Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving a nice memory to remember. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

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