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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Positive thought = Husnuzon Vs Negative thought= Suuzon

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

Alhamdulillah, had a time to share.

Positive thought is a good practise by all people. Why? It make your heart feel at ease. Right?

Husnuzon is the Arabic word, which have the same meaning to Positive thought. We need to have a positive thought to all people, either the one we just know or the person who are really closed to us. Husnuzon can tighten our relationship as a person. With this thought, our heart will be more relax. Plus, our daily routine will be smooth and of course our mind would be very very HealTHY =D.

Why the negative thought is not good? Reason? Oh, Negative = Bad = sometimes!, Yes, not all negative is bad but for the negative thought, it is bad and always be BAD! Negative though make us always think about the fault of others, become suspicious and thus, make our heart always in worry. ..oh, so depressed!

All in all, practise Husnuzon for your own benefit. For your own heart, for your own..Yes, of cause the good for you, the good for others too, since..... as a muslim...

Hadith 13: (http://www.40hadithnawawi.com/index.php/the-hadiths/hadith-13)

Yes, as a muslim, we need to loves our brothers and sisters of Islam like how we love our own.

Alhamdulillah, I am proud to be a muslim.


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