=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Monday, February 18, 2013


Last Saturday I was planning going to the West End morning market with friends. Unfortunately I couldn’t sleep well at night that cause me to slept again after the Fajr Prayer and miss the market (not really miss but I rather not go there after 8am).

Then, I decided went to the city to accompany Brisbane newcomers to buy some stuff. Once I was there, I decided just to say Hi and greet them since there are lots of seniors already to give a hand. Proceed to next plan of the day, I waited for the bus to Fortitude Valley to buy chickens for a month stock (or perhaps 2 weeks) =DDDD. It was ‘300’ bus.

While waiting for a bus, the phone rang. A friend called. What? Theatre? Malay? Where? When? So surprised on her invitation till I rained her with lots of question. Then, I agreed to meet at Guyatt Park at 1245. On my way from Fortitude Valley to Guyatt Park, I met a friend that I know during my work in Food Microbe laboratory. Rushing back to friends house, manage to arrive at almost 1 pm. Waited bus for a long time. =(Sorry guys. Perform Dhuhur prayer and together, we walked to the City Cat terminal nearby.
Manageable fee entry for me as a student. 

PARAH!!! Wow, it’s beyond my imagination. I haven’t gone to any theatre performance before. This was my first play in my life (except the once in school, perhaps!) and I can say that….BRAVO guys. You all did great!!! Impressive performance. =D. Especially your voice projection.

PARAH is a performance by Malaysian actor and actress about the power of word. Iedil Putra, Farah Hani, Gregory sze and Branavan Aruljothi were plays as Hafiz, Melur, Kahoe and Mahesh during 2pm session on 16Feb 2013. For me, it was an intense, dynamic and inspiring. Intense since it is all about what was happened in Malaysia in 2011 (Too much to reflect for me who are not aware to the situation in 2011). Dynamic since the player make lots of scene: gloomy, happy, humor, reflection..etc. Inspiring? Ok, this one is my own point of view. I am always respect the one that can project their voice nicely in front of audients… and in the scope of the play for PARAH, it is inspiring since it is how ‘friendship’ was shown in the play. As a person, we need to guide and be guided what is wrong and what is right. And also, we need to support friend whenever they are in need.

History. What it is all about? Is it important to know history? Yes, Indeed! History cannot be change but we can make history. I cannot say that history has nothing to do with us since history does have something on us. Today’s life is depends on previous life and the future is depends on today. The life is kept moving. However, what is the matter is today! Yes, TODAY! History can be a support and indeed a STRONG support for our today. A perfect example is for a student. A student with a lower grade in past exam will struggle better in future, as well for the higher-grade student. And perhaps, the work ‘ give up’ comes across the mind. Yes, the past keeps ‘anchored’ the mind. Thus, as TODAY is the day that we face now, why not we change? During Q&A session that day, the phrase still lingering in my mind “ The thing is depends on what you think”. Mind and spirit have the power to change even the history cannot beat it. And even a word cannot beat.

Ok, it is only one thing I regret during the theatre. Let me be sharp here. During Q&A session, a sharp question arise from a female Australian“ I wonder, why Melur (the player) is having the scarf in school but when at home, she take it off although the male are around? Bingo! Thanks for the question. Yes, as a muslim, we should not take off our scarf in front of male that is not our family member, in easy explanation, the one that we can marry, except husband. A SAD but true answer from director explains on how wearing the scarf becomes a cultural practice in Malaysia instead of religion purpose. Yes, it does happen in Malaysia now where the girls wearing the scarf to obey the school uniform standard for muslims. They will take it off after school period ended. How sad. My heart fills with fire hearing that answer where it is a part of CULTURE in Malaysia. Although it is true that wearing a scarf become a culture in certain individual but as a muslims we should not make it as a culture but a RELIGION purpose.This is what ALLAH ask us to do. Cover our aurah. I am full with frustration hearings that answer at that time although it is the reality today. The mood is gone.

At last, BRAVO to the players for the performance. Hope to watch you again next time, perhaps in other place. Friends took a picture with them but not me. I am trying my best not to take picture with any other guys. O ALLAH, do guide my Iman and social activities so that it would not bring slander to my religion and myself. Amin.

p/s: City Cat service from Guyatt Park to New Farm terminal have a very nice view. Will show you guys in next blog post.

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