=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

EXAmination MoOD....

Seems like this time, i am alone to take the exams.
for the first time i am staying with the people with different program and course. actually it is quite nice as it train me to be independent. What the most i like is i can do whatever and whenever i like and want.

Seems like he is coming back this june. the day before my exam is started and the other one the day before my 21st. haha, it's just coincident. Hopefully i can do well in this exam thought it seems difficult for me to score.

lots of incident happen this few weeks. just coming back from hometown make me feel guilty towards my beloved parents. WHy?? they do lots of things for me. And me, still make troubles for them. In education of course lots of money should be invested first. i could not wait to be graduated student and hence, a workers so that, at least i can lighten my parents' burden in term of financial.

i want to do lots of thing to them.... not just financial, s my mom had said before that, money is nothing and she is really in the "bad mood" when my brother said " money is the power", teasingly.

Dad, a very dedicated person that i had ever met but now he seems to be very tired and rarely smile. if not, he always smile and talks alot with us. Last week, dad seems very tired. i don't want to get home to see my parents tired............Ya Allah, give them the strength, peace mind, good health and Your blessing.......Amin....

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