=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ANotHeR StoRy...

HaLLO NIGHT..........

i'm stying at my friends house today
Actually i dont really like to stay outside, unless it is not "building".

SomEhow, I dont know... i jUst keep Thinking to go for Hiking this few dys.
wish that i can go there with my beloved one day... How nice it is...HAHHHHAHHHA

there is lots of dream that i hold inside my chest since few years ago.
The Most important is to maek my family happy and live peacefully. i wanna my dad to rest from doing hard work, just to make our fmily Ok, and hrmony.
I wanna mke my mom rest, from doing all the house work, so tht she can do what she wnn do.

I would like to see my brothers n sisters always happy and grab all the opportunity that appears in theirs life. so on me...hehehe

i would like to be good wife n mother...;-)
though i m still studying but it will not be an obstcle for me to get married...=)
All in all,
just TAWAKAL to ALLAH s.w.t..
HE know everything... HE IS the GOOd planner
YA ALLAH give me the strength......

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