=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Already miss Brisbane (UQ) although 30days are left


Honours requirement already submitted in the early morning of last Saturday. (=D).  Who knows, in these few weeks left, I make new friends. And they are all funny and happy go lucky persons. I'm enjoying my time with them though sometimes I felt shy (Of course, the "shyness" is the wealth of every lady).

Keep thinking the path that I gonna choose after graduation. Should I apply for the job or further my studies? for later, should I do it in Malaysia or Australia? Should I follow my heart or rationality? Umh, lots to consider as my "number" start to rise =P.

I'm hoping that I will manage time properly and fortunate in my future life. InsyaAllah. Ameen

O Allah, do save us (muslims), protect us, from slander, and the bad peoples. Ameen.

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