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Friday, January 18, 2013

The Beauty of Quran language

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving us opportunity to breath till this seconds. Alhamdulillah.

I am currently watching the OmarSeries, the most and greatest story that I had ever seen. Every moments in the storyline bring me tears, since it is basically what was happen in the past. The hardship that need to be bear by the earlier muslims in this world. May Allah granted them Jannatul Firdaus. O Allah, although this is only the movies that was acted by the actors, it already bring me the feeling on how the ukhuwah among the muslims at that time. How they cooperate and loving each other because of You, and only You O Allah. How they sacrifice all the things that they belongs including the wealth and family, just because to please You. Islam was and is and will be great forever and ever. I am very touched in the scene when a son that wanted to embrace Islam but the parents object him to do so. And how the son tried to advised the father by using the ayah in Quran.Oh, how I am blessed to be a muslim. And so many scene that bring me tears, not because I am sad but I am really grateful to be born and live as a muslim.O Allah, make me die as a muslims too. Every ayah in Quran cooling the heart like the ice cooling the body in a hot day. Alhamdulillah o Allah. I am really suggested the reader to watch this series of drama. OmarSeries.InsyaAllah.

For the first time in my life, i am just notice how beauty the Arabic language is. Before this, I am just realise when reading Quran but now when I watching this Series, it bring my heart to even love more and more the Arabic language and how I wish to be able to have conversation in this Paradise language. InsyaAllah

Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving us opportunity to do good deeds. O Allah, prevent us and family, also muslims in this world from hurting ourself, others and of course You. Bless ourlife O Allah.

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