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Saturday, January 19, 2013

The awareness of a young child

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

Assalamualaikum adek(younger sister). The conversation of an adult sister (AS) with her younger begin (YS).

AS: Assalamualaikum, can I speak to ...( the AS trying to act as the teacher that wanna to speak to her sister)
YS: Waalaikumussalam, yes, I am speaking here.
AS: Oh really, umh...Hahaa..(The AS could not hold the laugh since several conversation happens). So, adek, what are doing today?
YS: Nothing, I;m doing nothing
AS: No such nothing, you must have anything to do right?
YS: Yup, just watching the television and sister playing the game on computer.
AS: Why you did not want to speak to me earlier?
YS: No, I wanted to...hehe
YS: Kak (sister), the outside is raining now..
AS: Yes, I can hear it.hehe (She know that her sister wanna stop the conversation since she is so afraid of thunder)
YS: Really? You can hear it. WAit, I will make you hear it more (She pointed the phone to the outside)
AS: Adek, the weather is very hot today, I am being 'burnt" hehe..
YS: Umh, heee, Akak! If there is a rain there, how the hail is look like? You cannot go outside right? What did you do?
AS: Owh, I couldnt go outside.
YS: Why? Actually you can..let me give an idea.
AS: Really?(She wanted to encourage her sister to think..you know how the child is so creative.)
YS: You can go outside by cycling the bicyle and take the umbrella right?
AS: No, since the umbrella will broken.
YS: But you can use the iron umbrella right?
AS: Really? but where can I get it? You wanna make it for me?
YS: Umh, you do it yourself. I did not know how.
AS: You do it for me please, you must know about it.
YS: Sorry, I could not since I do not know.
AS: Ha...let me ask Abah (father) to do it, ok? I will tell Abah that You want it..hahha
YS: No no, poor Abah. He already build the new bedroom alone at the back of the house. Don't tell him.
AS: Nobody helping? You said just now the outside is raining. Why you didnt help (The sister tried to test her sister)
YS: No, Abah already inside the house now. Dont believe in me? LEt speak to Abah. Before this his friend helping but today he do it alone. Yes, alone today.


Oh, the story make me really think the word of "Sacrifice, Responsibility, and love"

Oh, how I admire my dad the most. my Abah in short.

Abah did a lot of things to us since we are children till now, being an adult. Abah sacrifice lot of thing and try his best to fulfil his responsibility as a father to us. He provide us the best. We are not coming from a rich family but the love that he show us incomparable. I love you Abah. and I will do anything for you to make you happy, in this life and hereafter. O Allah, give me opportunity to make them happy. Give me time and give them time. Prevent me from doing something that can hurt them. O Allah, guide us as a child, Make us to be an obedient and Soleh solehah children toward our parents and others too. Amin..

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