=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Second dAy oF Holiday

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
(In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious,Most Compassionate)

First of all, I would like to talk about Easter Day. This term, "Easter Day" was first "knocking" my eardrum on April last year. I have no idea at all about this celebration. By the way, today is the second day of my mid semester break. Yesterday is Good Friday ( or also known as Black Friday, Holy Friday, Great Friday, or Easter Friday). It is celebrated by the christian for the commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. and today is Easter Saturday or Bright Saturday. It is the Saturday following the Christian festival of Easter. While tomorrow, for christian, they celebrate Easter Day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. Oh, now I know!! Last year, i'm just know that it is christians feast.

Last Thursday was my last lecture with Mark for genomic. "Hi! Good Morning" ,What a nice and happy morning, my lecture that I looked at from far for the last 5 weeks greet me as I stepped into the class. "Morning!", I just replied his morning greet. Mark, he is a unique lecturer for me. He like to use his body language, especially his hands to explain to us about the lecture. He has his own style of teaching. Thanks Uncle Mark. By the way, Scott, the other lecturer for genomic (lecture us about practical), also had his last lecture with us last monday. Thanks you for the both of you. Thanks for your willingness to share your knowledge!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!

After the lecture, I walked to glasshouse, finishing the maize measurement...and it took about 2 hours for us to measured them...Thanks Jessica. The other group members came as we finished the measurement. I though they would not come since it is quite far for them to travel. Thanks guys for your support and commitment. Suddenly I miss you all gals..How I feel bless to be in a group with you all. Thank You Allah for giving this chance for me to meet them.

Today, nothing much happened but I have a long chat with my housemates..Haha, started from I fried the pancake, eat together, have a chat...carry on till its time for Zohor prayer..."too many things to talk as we grew up", one of my housemates said as we started to finish our chatting.... Then I accompanied friend to her lab to "visit" her bacteria culture. Quite a stink odour..Bacteria..hopefully she manage to grow them..Amin..

By the way, I gonna have a two days one night trip at Sunshine coast tomorrow. Have not prepare anything yet but hopefully everything gonna be ok. O Allah, bless our journey, bless our tentative programme, bless and do protect us, O ALLAH.

I seek apologise from anyone that hurt because of me...

O ALLAH, I seek for Your Forgiveness..Do make me a better muslimah..Bless mylife, myfamily, my ancestors, all muslimin in this world and hereafter, and especially our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Do give your hidayah (guidance) to my non-muslims friends too O ALLAH. This is because I love them too O ALLAH.


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