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Monday, April 16, 2012

Byron Bay


Housemate event. We went to Byron Bay last saturday by renting a tarago. The trip was fun. Alhamdulillah we manage to arrive at the lighthouse before the sun is rise to perform Subuh prayer and hence saw the sunrise. SUBHANALLAH, the scenery is so great.
This is the lighthouse:

The scenery, just like a picture. This is one of the candit picture that I like the most.

After had some breakfast, we headed to Crystal castle.Unfortunately we arrive earlier than the opening hour. Hence, without wasting time, we went to Minyon Fall. We had packed all the stuff for having bath there. What make us laughed was...ok this is the waterfall

So, where do you think we could have the bathed? O.o. Too high..but again the waterfall is definitely very very cool and i love it. Hence, we concluded that this waterfall not for picnic! Just for sight seeing.

As we coud not have bath there, we headed to Macadamia castle. This place is suitable for parents to bring their child. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the service provided is not worth with what we were paying for.Luckily there is Illama, animals that I never seen in real. Thus I feel that this AUD12 is worth to pay.

The last stop, we went to Surfers Paradise. It just like a normal beach for me. However, the difference is there were lots of surfers. They seems to enjoy the wave. And ALHAMDULILLAH... I was able to watch with my own eye that day...the hovercraft. Type of transportation that I'm really wanna see since I was 8 years. ALHAMDULILLAH ALHAMDULILLAH O ALLAH for giving me this chance. I'm never know that You give me this such opportunity. The dream that I had for almost 15 years came true this day.

Went back and arrive home at 6pm after 15 hours went out from home.O ALLAH, Alhamdulillah for giving us opportunity to see Your creature. O ALLAH, You are the Greatest One.

Thank You Allah for this sun, cloud, ocean, beach, food, friends, energy, health....and everything O ALLAH.


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