=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

aT Last Got That One..The Sustenance..Recognition


ALHAMDULILLAH for todays life

Like usual, went to uni for 9am class. My lecturer, Bernie would like us to introduce ourselves, by name only. Then, I told my name..quite long for them..Then he told me something that make classmates and himself smile. I am not sure maybe he asked "Oh..so, where is Diana?" perhaps but I am not sure since I am not so into their slang. I'm just into theirs and just give my smile.=D. Contrast, this year he look so cheerful. Good for him. He brought pear and snack peas to show us the development stage of plants. The line on the pear fruit is claimed to be the folded up of multiple leaves. And actually, all plant organs are modified leaves. Ok let me show you the evolution of leaf

............-Leaf -> Bract -> Sepal -> Petal -> Stamen -> Carpel........

We did revise the double fertilization in female gamete where the the two male gamete fertilise the egg cell and center cell, the meiosis in male microsporocyte to produce microspore tetrad, and a lot more about reproductive development. Such an nteresting course!!!

Then I went back home after watering the maize plants inside the glasshouse. They look so much different between soil treatments and nutrient availability..Mine is Kurrosol.

Went uni again for 6pm class. Its is Introduction to management. We learnt about environment and corporate culture. Quite good!! I am late since I choose to pray at home first before went for class. Furthermore I have guest at home. Zaira!! I am so glad she came to my house for the first since I;m moving here. We walked together to uni after perform Maghrib prayer together, Jumuah. Unfortunately she misplace the go card and need to went back at my home to find it. She cannot remember where it is..till this hour..I hope she manage to find it...Zaira!!! Thanks for coming. I am so glad. Whenever I prayed, I remember to all those friend that perform Jumuah prayer together with me in this room. How nice and syahdu I feel. It really some sense that cannot be explained my word..It just can be explained by heart..Alhamdulillah..Thank you Allah for giving this feeling, the feeling how lucky and fortunate we are as a muslims. The bond that binds us together..no matter who we are, coming from where and what status we are. Thank You ALLAH.

During Introduction to Management lecture, the guy in front of me wanna answer the question that brought up by the lecturer. I'm just looking at him and listening. Then, April, my lecturer move one step closer to me. Seems to ask for my opinion. I become nervous till my nose sweating..HAHA!! We stared each other, the she said " You deserved the chocolate since you sit politely behind", with a smile, she gave me a mini cadbury dairy milk...I'm just smile and forgot to thanked her since my adrenaline still in high level. Here it is:

"Sis, its your sustenance...ALHAMDULILLAH...", my junior that sit a seat far from me told me with a smile.. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Perhaps April recognised me when I greet her last couple of weeks at the uni dining hall...Perhaps..I would like to share with my two friends this mini chocolate but they said, its ok Diana. Maybe next time guys. =D

What a coincidence, I'm just thinking lately that it would be nice if I got it from her because I am able to voice out my opinion in front of others? Fortunately Allah granted my small wish with other way. Thank you ALLAH.

Although I can buy it myself but when we get from others we appreciate it more. Thanks April.

Ops, one more! Just called my younger sister. She spoke chinese with me? I cannot understand except the word laoshi and ma? then she teach me again and again how to pronounce the sentences..Thanks dik!

ALhamdulillah for today. I wanna to continue with some reading and perhaps report. THanks you ALLAH. ALHAMDULILLAH.

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