=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PLant & SoiL R/shiP.....GeNomicS & BIOinFOrMATICS...


ALHAMDULILLAH, the first word that I would like to expres. Lots of things I learnt today. First of all, let me remind...this entry will be about academic story line...O.o.

Soil and plant relationship!!! one of the subjects that I enrol for my final undergraduate semester (InsyaALLAH). Start with global warming, lecturer did explain about how nitrogen gases contribute to the global warming,,production of nitrogen....and so on. What fascinate me the most is when the lecture said that biofuel does not help to reduce the global warming at all!! This is due to the production of N2O gas. Lets me note down few notes that I think important to know today...

-> Denitrification can happen in both aerobic and anaerobic condition
-> Nitrification can happen when high oxygen content (This is the key for the process!!)
-> Nitrogen gases production depends on moisture,temperature and availability of nitrogen. High moisture cause high production of N2O since anaerobic conditions keeps on..Temperature high cause soil production higher and hence more N2O is released.High amount of nitrate source inhibit N2O reduction (So N2O will remain in that state???).

Okey! The other point that lecturer left for us to think. CARBON! The organic is better placed on the surface of the soil or deeper inside the soil? The exact answer for this issues or query still in debate. And yet, no definite answer is achieved.

At the second hour, new lecturer came to give us an overview about the things that he will lecture us for about the next 13 hours lecture in this 2 months. It is about soil physic and plant growth!! How exciting!! Soil physic basically about how the water interact with the soil surface under natural condition. Lots of new and refreshing terms were "injected" to my brain today. Let me note down here again

water potential, mechanical impedance, porosity, bulk density, capilary, texture versus structure, wilting point, field capacity, gravitational, soil strength, atterberg limit (100 years anniversary this year).

For soil strength, it depends on water content. The strength is high when the soil is dry and vice versa, when the soil is wet, the strength is weak.


FOr Genomic & BioInFORMatic...I am glad that I am able to ask tutor for what I am confuse about without just letting this inquiry lingering around my brain only. ALHAMDULILLAH. For today, I learnt about how to sequence the alignment and find the similarity between two amino acids. It was really fun, especially during practical when we try to solve the problem and at the same time, more understand on what we are learning...BLASTBLASTBLAST...CONSERVEDCONSERVEDCONSERVED...DOTPLOT...DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING...ALIGNMENT SCORING...K-TUPLE...OPEN GAP..GAP SCORE..MISMATCH... DIAGONAL...MATCH..PENALTY...HOW BIOINFO IS SO MUCH FUN!! MAKE MY BRAIN FUNCTION LIKE A PERSON!!! I LOVE BIOINFORMATIC!!


O ALLAH..I seek for your forgiveness.

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