=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

AlmoSt 2 Hr ScrUbbbing The ToILEt..


I planned to continue writing my scientific report today. However till now I just read the article without writing anything but alhamdulillah, I learnt new thing. Apart from that, I'm done on analysing my management tutorial task for tomorrow..HUzzah!!

Meet & Greet, The theme of todays event. I went there quite late..an hour before it ended. I went there neither to meet and greet nor eat but to take some stuff from my friend that just came back from Malaysia. However, when I arrived, I did meet and greet my friends which I already knew...and I eat nothing since I just had my simple but satiate lunch. >.<.

Went home...then after Asar prayer, I decide to scrub the toilet floor and shower mirror since it had been a long time I never do it. Almost every inch of toilet edge I scrubbed till my hand and shoulder get pain...pain till right now...Ouch!! I did not expect to scrub until my shoulder feel so much ache.. I did check the mirror after 15 minutes of 2 hours..still unsatisfied..maybe I need to buy extra power detergent to make the mirror shine like a new gglass...After clean up myself by having bath, dress up myself with new cloth, sit in front of the laptop, the Maghrib azan is already on...Alhamdulillah, I perform my prayer and had some dinner to recharge my energy after 2 hours in the toilet to scrub and wiping the very stubborn dirt (Dirt from the body shampoo). Am I too fussy? Nope! Just wanna it to be clean. As clean as the ocean and the sky...HAHA! That's all! Perhaps I need to cut the time for scrubbing the toilet floor and wiping the mirror next time.

Ok done for today..

Do cover your head whenever you enter toilet since shaytan will "urinate" on you. And ask protection from ALLAH...

ALHAMDULILLAH...wish to come here again..

Thursday, March 22, 2012

FrEE But EXhaUsteD.. PeTITIoN?


Today I am considered free since the class is only from 8 to 9 but seems a bit exhausted, perhaps just because i have slept for only 3 hours last night (late and not a quality sleep).

What the most interesting I would like to share today is about Falun Dafa or Falun Gong. I'm never came across this word before until today when I went to city to buy a rim of A4 paper from OfficeWork.

The cheapest one!!

After stepped out from 412 bus, across the street, I was greet by a chinese aunty. 'Would you mind to have and read this?'..Oh yes, I answered..Then after about three steps away from that aunty, a chinese uncle came, " Would you mind to join the petition?" "Oh, I need to read what is it all about first",I replied. And the uncle and auntie started to explain to me about what is happened to the Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is about organ harvesting..The cruel and immoral action that had happened for several years and still continuing till today..Then, " would you like to sign up?" " Yup, I am"..Then several conversation happens when I filled the form..and finally,

Auntie: from Malaysia? Or...
Me: Yes, I am. You too?
Auntie: Yes I am, KL?
Me: No, east part. You?
Auntie: KL
Auntie: Are you happy to be here? Not too hot right?
Me: Quite happy..
Me: one and half year to go...
She is so friendly =D. Then she gave me this lovely lotus replica... The shiny colours of the origami paper is so catching!! plus with enthuse words " Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance".

Lovely right?

I am not knowing much about what is happened. Basically it is about inhuman activity that happened to the Falun Gong practitioners in China where their organs were harvested. I am not here to judging but let browse some of the snap pictures from the pamphlet that I got at Brisbane city this morning.

Okay, done for today.

"When Our Heart is ready to accept, everything would be easy. It is all depends on our heart. Islam is a beauty religion. When a person asked, " How can you prove that Islam is the most perfect religion?"...The answer is " There is no answer for this question". Why?

There is no use to explain why Islam is beauty while your heart is full of hatred. Every answer will became useless. That is why when you try to understand Islam, purify your heart and try to accept..InsyaAllah (by the will of Allah), you will love Islam..Amin..

O ALLAH, I seek for your forgiveness... Bless my life and all muslims in the world and hereafter.. Show the true path to others too..AMIN....


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PLant & SoiL R/shiP.....GeNomicS & BIOinFOrMATICS...


ALHAMDULILLAH, the first word that I would like to expres. Lots of things I learnt today. First of all, let me remind...this entry will be about academic story line...O.o.

Soil and plant relationship!!! one of the subjects that I enrol for my final undergraduate semester (InsyaALLAH). Start with global warming, lecturer did explain about how nitrogen gases contribute to the global warming,,production of nitrogen....and so on. What fascinate me the most is when the lecture said that biofuel does not help to reduce the global warming at all!! This is due to the production of N2O gas. Lets me note down few notes that I think important to know today...

-> Denitrification can happen in both aerobic and anaerobic condition
-> Nitrification can happen when high oxygen content (This is the key for the process!!)
-> Nitrogen gases production depends on moisture,temperature and availability of nitrogen. High moisture cause high production of N2O since anaerobic conditions keeps on..Temperature high cause soil production higher and hence more N2O is released.High amount of nitrate source inhibit N2O reduction (So N2O will remain in that state???).

Okey! The other point that lecturer left for us to think. CARBON! The organic is better placed on the surface of the soil or deeper inside the soil? The exact answer for this issues or query still in debate. And yet, no definite answer is achieved.

At the second hour, new lecturer came to give us an overview about the things that he will lecture us for about the next 13 hours lecture in this 2 months. It is about soil physic and plant growth!! How exciting!! Soil physic basically about how the water interact with the soil surface under natural condition. Lots of new and refreshing terms were "injected" to my brain today. Let me note down here again

water potential, mechanical impedance, porosity, bulk density, capilary, texture versus structure, wilting point, field capacity, gravitational, soil strength, atterberg limit (100 years anniversary this year).

For soil strength, it depends on water content. The strength is high when the soil is dry and vice versa, when the soil is wet, the strength is weak.


FOr Genomic & BioInFORMatic...I am glad that I am able to ask tutor for what I am confuse about without just letting this inquiry lingering around my brain only. ALHAMDULILLAH. For today, I learnt about how to sequence the alignment and find the similarity between two amino acids. It was really fun, especially during practical when we try to solve the problem and at the same time, more understand on what we are learning...BLASTBLASTBLAST...CONSERVEDCONSERVEDCONSERVED...DOTPLOT...DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING...ALIGNMENT SCORING...K-TUPLE...OPEN GAP..GAP SCORE..MISMATCH... DIAGONAL...MATCH..PENALTY...HOW BIOINFO IS SO MUCH FUN!! MAKE MY BRAIN FUNCTION LIKE A PERSON!!! I LOVE BIOINFORMATIC!!


O ALLAH..I seek for your forgiveness.

Monday, March 19, 2012



ALHAMDULILLAH, I can keep the promise to water my plants at glasshouse at 730am this morning. Although I cannot sleep till 2am passed, I am able to wake up, shower and having breakfast before starting my first step to UQ for today.

A lot of stuff happening today but I am glad and thanks to Allah for chosen me to experience this moment. Alhamdulillah (Praise to ALLAH). Start my morning with the prayer that everything that happens in this weeks will be fine and under the shade of His bless.

After reading my colleague blog last night, I'm just realise that one should grab all the opportunity that they have in order to gain the satisfaction in their life. For me, I like to dream and dream without any intention to fulfil my dream. Actually I did but there are many things need to consider (too many excuses!!!). Lot of dreams, I wanna do that and this, wanna go there and there, wanna learn this and that....but at least, I just let my dreams and hopes disappear, lost and fade as the time passing. Like a dandelion that blow away by the wind, starting new life at new place. The good luck make me 'germinate' and 'grow' or else... remain as the dormant seed that serve no purpose.=(

OH!! Stop all this metaphors..I am not the poetry (but I wanna be). Okey!! Today is a good day apparently. My first class at 8 seems to be fun and beneficial since I can focus on what Christine said,,,basically because I were preparing last night by revising the previous lecture and the one that she gonna lecture us for today. ALHAMDULILLAH, all the praise to ALLAH because opening my heart to understand the lecture. Then, I went to my only tutorial of the semester, management studies where I did not expect at all that my tutor did shuffled my tutorial groups. ALHAMDULILLAH again as I were in a group with nice students. One from Canada and two of them are from Australia, this country. What I am surprise the most is when my Canada notice the Palestine flag that I buttoned on my pencil case.( I did not expect he knew about that). ALHAMDULILLAH and INSYAALLAH Palestine will be free one day..AMIN..I LOVE PALESTINE since it is OURS, MUSLIMS'. <3

Then, I proceed my day with genomic and bioinformatic class. It was a very good class since it is one of my dream to study about how to interpret the computational analysis of the gene that I use to study until now..ALHAMDULILLAH. My class class for today was Plant Biology II practical. Overall, the practical is just counting the adventitious root that forming when the hormonal and chemical signalling were applied to the wild type and mutants. My group for todays practical, as well as other colleague is fun too!! Thanks guys. ALHAMDULILLAH.

I turned up at the fron t of PC2 lab one hour earlier today ( What a crazy waiting!! Haha, I was so excited actually O.o ). Before that I went to the Faculty of Science to ask about my honours programme that will commence by the end of July this year (InsyaALLAH). The staff is superb. He is very nice guy to explained and tell me everything that I asked for with no reluctant. (It's my service...he said that) Yup, its his but I am glad that you did it well. Okey! Why waiting at the front of PC2 lab, I noticed that a chinese aunty is waiting for some one else too. We chat for couple of minutes (15 minutes perhaps before her colleague is coming). What a surprised as she is from Ipoh actually, from my country (Actually I already expect that she is either from Malaysia or Singapore)..Basically based on our culture, and the way we look like..Asian. Okey, I dont know but there is strong instinct that can guess who is from our area and not. ALHAMDULILLAH to have this instinct. She talked about the Malacca that she used to live during childhood where there is wet market, river that flow nicely....She always went there back then as her mother brought her together..playing at the side of river and so on. I am listening to her stories. I am so glad since she wanna shared with me and I am so thirst for that kind of surrounding area, where everything is so natural with no boxes of concrete block. I am prefer to live in village surrounding..That is why I love plants.

Finish the day at university, walking back to home while the rain is showering softly upon my face, like a shower of blessing from ALLAH for todays life. ALHAMDULILLAH.

Invocation for when it rains

"O Allah, (bring) beneficial rain clouds"

Supplication after it rains

"It has rained by the bounty of Allah and His mercy"


Sunday, March 11, 2012



Ya Allah.
Thanks for giving another day for me to live in Your world.
enable me to breath and see Your magnificent creature. ALHAMDULILLAH

Ya Allah, every words in the Quran calm my anxious heart down. ALHAMDULILLAH, Thanks to be to ALLAH.

O ALLAH, I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and from being overpowered by men (i.e. other people) ~Al-Bukhari 7/158
