=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ANotHeR StoRy...

HaLLO NIGHT..........

i'm stying at my friends house today
Actually i dont really like to stay outside, unless it is not "building".

SomEhow, I dont know... i jUst keep Thinking to go for Hiking this few dys.
wish that i can go there with my beloved one day... How nice it is...HAHHHHAHHHA

there is lots of dream that i hold inside my chest since few years ago.
The Most important is to maek my family happy and live peacefully. i wanna my dad to rest from doing hard work, just to make our fmily Ok, and hrmony.
I wanna mke my mom rest, from doing all the house work, so tht she can do what she wnn do.

I would like to see my brothers n sisters always happy and grab all the opportunity that appears in theirs life. so on me...hehehe

i would like to be good wife n mother...;-)
though i m still studying but it will not be an obstcle for me to get married...=)
All in all,
just TAWAKAL to ALLAH s.w.t..
HE know everything... HE IS the GOOd planner
YA ALLAH give me the strength......

Thursday, May 20, 2010

IT jusT a wOrd of The moNth.....

i'm having my test today. its kind of good for me as it does push me to read and study.....dont know what to say now...emptY..
But i wanna write

DO i too quite in class??
maybe yes and maybe not
actually Yes!!!!!!
i dont know what to talk actually as they ll just like to talk something not interest me..and in my point of view, its better to stay silent..or maybe just hear what they are talking so long and fun about ;-)
DO i am not easy going?
Yes for certain things and place
of course i wont do something that will make myself shame
or something that put my pride down
or something that are really wrong for humans to do that
ALL in all just be with me, and u will know who i am...heheh

Person always regards me as a weak!!!!
i hate this kind of perception,
if i m wea, what me u all stronger than me?
by looking down on me?
URGH.... forget that
i know who i am...
O.K,,,,, thats allllllllllllllllllll


Friday, May 14, 2010

What should I said? Do? Act?...

Like an usual day, I started my morning with prayers and hopes. Lot of hopes that are ‘planted’ in my heart every morning. It is only me to ascertain that its gonna be flowers, fruit or just a tree….. and the worst, the seeds that never grew.
Today I had finish my lb for one subject of this semester. Its kind of regret as I still cannot catch up what I am looking for. I wanna ask but do not know what to ask.
I wanna do the procedure but my level of confidence is very low inside myself. Today, I allow my “seed” to become tree. I tried to say and do what I want. Thanks to my groups to allow and believe in me.=D.
Yesterday, I got the presentation. I had choose topic based plant but out of sudden I change my topic at the night before. Its kind of “make my own self shame “ as I present what I am not interested in….its so lousy, miserable, terrible and awful.
The day before, at 8pm when I prepare for the prayers, I heard someone is screaming outside my condominium. The screaming is coming from the life but I assume that its is a hysteria. One hour later, when my housemate come back, she told me what had happen. A robbery that scratch women hand and took out all the things from her. What pity girl and we feel so guilty for not lend a hand for her at that moment. I wanna cook rendang that time but since the kitchen is near the life, i ask my friend to accompany me.what a shame…..hahah