=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Hadiah dan Ujian dari Allah s.w.t

Alhamdulillah. After 4 years.

So many things I went through in this four years time. In the sense of building up my life with surrounding. I become a passive person in the community but very active in family.

Getting married after graduated in July 2013, Allah granted me with two lovely daughter and son. My husband is lovely too =D. A very patient guy. How lucky and gratitude I am to have him in my life. Alhamdulillah, Thank You Allah, All Praise to You. Alhamdulillah my life getting better day by day. With the present of active and adorable children, what more I wish for? Only the bless from Allah.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Missing mosquito's bite? Weird but thats the truth


Alhamdulillah, I'm curently participate in BeST program under BiotechCorp. Yes, I'm just return from the "Kangaroo's world", and decide to join this program to expose myself to the Biotech world in Malaysia. I could say that the program is good!, especially I got the list of bionexus companies from the person in charge. Its a lot and broad, which I could say, totally different fom my old perception about biotechnology industry in Malaysia compared to Australia.

Ok, back to the topic, do I really miss the mosquito's bite??????? Oh. Yes I am, for sure.  On the first day I was at home from Brisbane, me, on purpose did not cover my feet while sleeping just to let the mosquito bite me. So weird? Yes, quite weird but its really happens.. And even I did not switch on the electrical mosquito repellent just to allow the mosquito to bite my feet. As the consequenses, the feet was covered with the red "pimples", hahahhah. Yes, there are few scars but it getting recovered now.

In Australia, its hard for me to get mosquito's bite unless I went to the rainforest. So, i can say that in my area, there is no mosquito =D. Heaven sleep. Oh, about the rainforest, I went to Tomborine National park for a field trip. There, I was 'attacked' by several bloodsucker a.k.a pacat. The pacat is an average Malaysia's pacat but the scar that they leave is hard to recover. I still remember that three pacat bite my feet and it took me more than 3 months to recover from the scar. Hihi, surprising.

Oh, Malaysia is the best. So happy to left my university quickly as I want back my family time <3 br=""> Alhamdulillah, InsyaAllah

before finishing my entry, let me post a puzzle

"Mosquito suck human blood, right? So, what is actually mosquito eat? " Hurm.....

Ok, Assalamualaikum, May Allah guide our way to the right path. Ameen

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Already miss Brisbane (UQ) although 30days are left


Honours requirement already submitted in the early morning of last Saturday. (=D).  Who knows, in these few weeks left, I make new friends. And they are all funny and happy go lucky persons. I'm enjoying my time with them though sometimes I felt shy (Of course, the "shyness" is the wealth of every lady).

Keep thinking the path that I gonna choose after graduation. Should I apply for the job or further my studies? for later, should I do it in Malaysia or Australia? Should I follow my heart or rationality? Umh, lots to consider as my "number" start to rise =P.

I'm hoping that I will manage time properly and fortunate in my future life. InsyaAllah. Ameen

O Allah, do save us (muslims), protect us, from slander, and the bad peoples. Ameen.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kenapa aku sekarang adalah aku?

Ya Allah yang Maha Perancang (Al-Bari')

Seperti biasa, aku melayari mukabuku. From this page, I learnt a lot. Yes, both the goods and not very goods. The most important thing is, it showed us that humans are full with emotions. Kita ambil yg baik, dan jadikan yg kurang baik sebagai panduan utk kita menjadi lebih baik dari itu. Yang baik pula, kita jadikan ianya sebagai rutin, dan InsyaAllah akan menjadi lebih baik.

Aku tersentak melihat satu komen dr kawan lamaku. Tersentak disini bukan bermaksud the bad thing, it just a reminder to me. Why? Yes, why D?  let me cerita ok?

 " Why did i choose this path? " Why this course became my choice?". yes, the phrase is something like that.. from my alma mater. it just a common status but Allah wanna shows me something from this "common" status. Seorang lagi alma mater ku membalas status tersebut: "Allah yang pilihkan". Subhanallah. Dengan tiga patah perkataan ini, ia cukup kuat untuk mengetuk hatiku.Ya Allah, aku mohon ampun.. Aku juga sering kali bersikap seperti si penulis status. Kenaapa aku pilih bidang ini? kenapa aku nak melanjutkan pelajaran sampai kesini? kenapa aku macam ni and macam tu...seperti aku seolah2 menolak takdir yg telah Allah aturkan utkku. Padahal, aku sentiasa meminta yg terbaik dr Allah utk diriku, keluargaku, kawan2ku dan muslimin muslimat dunia akhirat. kenapa aku seperti tidak bersyukur dgn anugerah kehidupan yg Allah telah bagikan utkku?

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kehidupan aku adalah pinjaman dariMu. Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah kurniakan lah aku keluarga yang bahagia, InsyaAllah. Ya Allah, lindungilah muslimin muslimat dimana2 sahaja dibumiMu ini Ya Allah. Kembalikan Palestin utk kami, sekiranya ia terbaik utk kami Ya Allah..Amin...

"Allah Maha Perancang, dan sebaik2 perancang"

=D. Alhamdulillah..Terima kasih Allah.



I am given a trial these few days, got a fever =D

Alhamdulillah, since Allah remind me the ni'mat of health. How Allah gave me a good health these few years..alhamdulillah

I am interested in this word "Syafakillah", so I did google just now..thus, it lead me to this blog


O Allah, give us, muslimin muslimat a good Iman..

O Allah, protect us in this world and hereafter

O Allah, only You, our hopes


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This worth my tears


O Allah, give us the freedom from hatred
O Allah, give us the love
O Allah, give us the friendship
O Allah, i love this
Which I can say, PURE.
And how I remember, I really wish to have this friendship during my childhood
And Allah, Alhamdulillah, You gave me this friendship now
I love them O ALLAH..

Tomorrow, biggest task for me and I just surrender myself to ALLAH...InsyaAllah...

Friday, April 26, 2013



O Allah, bless my life
O Allah, I miss Your lover
Prophet muhammad s.a.w, peace upon him.

O Allah
I love prophet Muhammad s.a.w

O Allah, bless my life, granted me Your Jannah and do guide my life to the end
Do not leave me even for seconds
Protect me all the time
O Allah..

O Allah
Ease my life, parents, sibling, and muslimin in this world and hereafter
O Allah
Lindungi kamni dan sejahterakanlah Muhammad s.a.w, sahabat2 baginda dan umat2 baginda
