=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Friday, October 29, 2010


it's quite hard to be an observant. especially in term of everyday life.
I knew that i'm still need to improve myself but i just cannot understand why people do some stuff.

its not about i would like to talk bad about people but i just cannot stand with it

i attend my class just now and sit beside this one guy. His/ Her? Ok let be secret but the main thing i would like to point out here is hygiene. Is not only her/him but together with friends. Their nail was too long and i did not know since when she/he did cut it. it make me feel like to vomit.....urg...... Its still be ok if the nails is clean but i can see that it is the dark particle inside the nails... so....
Sorry but i do told her/his with cynical tone. umh... hopefully she/he understand it. BUSY? but u can eat right?

Subhanallah, thank you for the guideline that You give to all of ummah YA ALLAH.in everyday basic life, throughout our life YA ALLAH, for the sake of the world and hereafter. Alhamdulillah YA ALLAH

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