=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



YA ALLAH, i feel weak today but Your Subh prayer does help me a lot
A lot till i cannot said neither in my writing nor verbally.
i can feel how strong my feeling is after performing prayer towards You.
Ya ALLAH, do give strength to prevent all this kind of heart that are weak, dirty and full of ego.

YA ALLAH, YA RABB, do protect me, do calm me, do bless me..
and all my family n friends
so on muslim and muslimah in the world and hereafter
YA ALLAH, give me someone that make me closer to You
give me someone that can make me closer towards You
and give me someone that make me closer towards You

YA ALLAH, thanks for all the nikmat that You give me here and elsewhere, before, now and later.
YA ALLAH bless my day with all Your planning
Do protect n bless my life


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