=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



almost 2 month i did not write here.
and almost 2 month i have been here, Queensland.
the state that i aimed in this last few years at taylors.
nothing much to say but today is the 5th day of eid mubarak and my friends just got married two days ago...i'm happy for her since she is the one that i met, shared and having a talk when i was 13 years old... at hostel, altogether with other friends.

Today, i am just finishing my plant presentation..it was cool as everybody have their own way and it is sometimes funny.....=)). i though local people are more confidence and talented in giving a speech or presentation but somehow, it teach me do not underestimate the person who are coming from o]non english based background and my own self... BE CONFIDENT DEAR....(i spoke to my self ok)... somehow today, i gain my confidence and it does boost my self esteem...... do not look down on your own self.....

many funny thing happens during the presentation today. there are 13 group presented their analysis. My group was very superb and cool since we are the first group that presented (volunteer). i am quite nervous that time but everything be fine later.]

Let me jot down what is happening today that i found it just like make myself laughing at that time and after thinking about that.

> when i am listening to the lecturer and tried to focus what she is saying before the group presentation, i accidentally knock down on something. i am in shock. what's that? i think nobody beside me...then, i looked at his face. ops, sorry, i did not notice u....(there is a boy in my group who are wearing the shirt just like the painted wall in the lecture hall)...haha i am really did not notice you dude.!! apology...

> they all very focusing in reading the speech notes without looking at the slide they are presented. and somehow, presenting their part with different slide..=(

> my classmate are really cool and exciting. making the presentation more relax and enjoyable. for example, they like to tease (but not so over the broad)..and somehow presenting without shoes...hehe

> some guy are really interested to present statistical analysis until the phrase "thanks" becoming "rejected"...
"on behalf of my group members, i would like to reject...instead of thanks". this word really make my stomach burst...heheh

overall, i'm enjoying it today. you all are so cool and thanks for the advices and supported guys...

i'm shopping 12 bar of cadbury for my family...hehe. "what a crazy amount you guys bought" said the cashier..hehe (souvenir,,,,,,)

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah since give me the strength to face today's challenge and show me the way to boost my self esteem and Alhamdulillah for all the happiness and sadness that You give me. Alhamdulillah (Thanks ALLAH) since You give me many chance to feel all sorts of feeling and protect me from the other path that bring me far from You. Ya Allah, do protect me, do love me, and do care about me. I have no one except You to help,hear and solve all my problem in the world and hereafer...Alhamdulillah, subhanallah..allahu akbar

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