=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Lots of thing happens through out this week.
First of all, i was interviewed by the MQA's group about my college. Its was so shame for me as so many things that i spoke out without any planning. Things that make myself felt so embarrassed and just like wanna repeat that session again.

"i just got 7", "so bad", "its already pass", and so many.....

I do not know why but i just feel that i hold a big hopes and responsibility in my shoulder that day when i saw that 3 person(and they all are professors...enzyme, food,and...i forget one more but he is very nice..). instead one of them from my state.....

And for the last day in this week, i cannot hold my tears during the lab...haha...(what a weak person i am) but at least, i help the nature when i went to the toilet...(not because i use it but something wrong with the flush that make the water just flow without stop. Then, i just call somebody to repair it). Look! there is something that Allah plan for me.

Now, there are lots of stuff that i need to be done before May is coming. Hopefully 2013 will appear sooner as i wanna make something special for my parents, siblings and grandpa. So on to my "big big" family.

Ya Allah, give me the strength, give me YOUR bless and give me YOUR love and protection.
My life is for YOU and still for YOU for ever and ever...as YOU never leave me behind.

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