=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

On the day BAck tO Australia AfTeR 3 months SuMmeR bReak

Alhamdulillah. Just arrived at home in Brisbane yesterday. There is lots of things happen on the day of my flight from KB to KUL. Alhamdulillah ALLAH ease my way to come here finally.

On 21st morning, I woke up early to pack my super big luggage. My YOUNGER sister ( haha, i cannot leave the word younger since my sister will always remind me as when I said "good morning@ thank you@ sorry sister", she will tell " Ops only sister? where is younger? Younger sisterlah kak...". That morning, she woke up to prepare herself to school. Before she went to bathroom, she came toward me and open her arms, "Sis, don't leave me...", when I was packing my staff inside my giant bag...several conversations happens then we packed up the dates inside the ice-cream plastic together. She forgot to have her bath (pretended since she want to accompany me and afraid that i will left her when she went to school). My second younger sister came and mind her to have her bath quickly since the time for school is late already.

Then, when she went to school, my parent and I went to my aunty house to meet my 'Mok' a.k.a my grandmother to inform her that my flight is at 5.she told me how fast the time goes and I'm going to work already. She looks so happy and advise me to study 'elok-elok' ( study well). On the way back to my home, I feel so nervous that something might happens on that day and hopefully it is not during my flight. After about 2-3 minutes on car, there is a loud sound from the right rear wheel, just like my car hit something."Ops, what happen?", I just ignored it then the sound comes again. " bocor ke?" (puncture?) my mom try to confirm my dad. and the result is......punctured!!! We though that it is normal puncture but my father suddenly said. " ops ade benda rupanya". "Apparently there is something"....OH MY LORD.. the tire together with the rim are already punctured with a big 4 inches nail, believes comes from the construction along the road. My hero, who is my dad, replace the tire.

Oklah, as usual, I peluk cium (hug and kiss) my nenek (tiba2 rase sebak mase cium mereka. Then kat airport, peluk cium my parents and younger sisters...Suddenly cannot hold my tears and its run out to my cheek...How embarrassed...and make my mom couldnot hold her tears too...My dad just smile while looked at us.

Alhamdulillah I am here already to start my 'WAR' in obtaining the knowledge here, to gain confident, to get great band, to tolerate my desire and what is the most important is to get BLESS from ALLAH s.w.t.


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