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Sunday, June 28, 2009

sweet 20th dear

today is my 20th birthday. everything seems like usual, like some wishes from my friends and i, of coursen appreciated this day more as my mom and father sacrifice for me for more than 20 years to grow me up until this age.

like i wishes, on my birthday, i don't want any hectic celebration on it. don't want people treat me like a princess of the day but just like a true friends.

i just want to improve my relationship with ALLAH, our prophet MUHAMMAD s.a.w, parents, siblings, friends and this world and hereafter.

today, i am fasting so that all my wish to success in both academic and life will be reality. i prayed for the success of my family, friends, Muslims and me myself. i hope we will live under the blessing of ALLAH s.w.t. Amin....

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