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Monday, March 11, 2013

Be A Grateful Person

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

Alhamdulillah, will be able to update the blog again.

There was a day, I was walking home from university, I saw a spastic student. Actually I am not sure either he is a spastic or not but based on the way he walked, he is. So I decide either to walk pass over him or just follow from the back. Hesitate at first but at last, I decide to just followed from behind since I dont want to offend him if i walk suddenly too far from the road just because to avoid his uncoordinated movement.

Before this, I just walked pass any disable person if i am in rush or there are lots of people since they will not notice me but somehow that day, I would like to have a deep understanding on the life of disable person. And, my initial intention is to appreciate and grateful on what I have till today. The gift that Allah give me till today.."Movement". Alhamdulillah.

So, I'm just followed him from behind, from university until the convenient shop near my rented house since he stopped by to buy his necessity. I was happy to see him to have his life just like any other normal person.  While walking, he was smiling to the beauty of nature, till at one moment when he was too excited and focus on reading the board on his side, he could not balanced his walked and stumbled. The way he stumble is not like normal person. He fall, take a relax, adjust himself to be in pumping position, take a relax and then wake up. Along this 15 min walked, he stumbled for two times, and almost stumbled on the road when walking down the hilly  pedestrian access.

I was just looking when he was stumble for the first time with out any reaction but only Allah knew what I feel that time. The second time, I was just asking him, "are you ok?" and he replied "Yes, thank you". I tried to start conversation with him but stop since he seems not comfortable to talked while walking. He need to focus on his walk. O Allah, give him your guidance so that he will not suffer again in the hereafter. Amen.

That day make me ponder all the bless and comfort that Allah give me. Alhamdulillah.
I am giving a good physical, mental, emotion and spiritual. Alhamdulillah, Islam guide me to the way I am today..

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