=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oh my Achacha

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

Achacha. Have you ever heard this? What is it? A type of dance?

Achacha, at first I saw the name on the West End market, I just remember the Cha Cha dance. How funny. Achacha is a fruit. The appearance of this fruit remind me the "buah tanjung"-the synonym fruit of the common flowers grown in my school days, back in Malaysia. This fruit also resemble Malaysian sweet dessert, buah tanjung. Achacha is an exotic fruit from the Amazon Basin. Lately, it have been grown in Queensland too. The price is quite expensive compared to the other fruit. It is about AUD10/kg in the supermarket, but in the weekends market, you can get half the price.

I did buy the fruit once in February but I did left them in my friends car (Intentionally wanna my friends who will BFG to taste them but unfortunately the fruit not means for them. Sorry peeps.). I manage to buy them again yesterday. Only two Achacha since am just wanna taste them. Yes, it is a nice exotic fruit, I would say. Here is the fruit that I am talking about. The fruit skin not look so heathy but the flesh is so nice.

Due to limited budget, just bought two, one for me, and one for my friend who visiting me this weekend. 

This is about the size of egg-shaped Achacha

 When I am googling the fruit that day to confirm the named of the fruits, either Ochacha or Achacha, I notice that the way to get the flesh is same like the mangosteen, my favourite tropical fruits, same goes to my younger sister. I need to put a pressure so that the skin is opened.
Squeeze at the center of the fruit! Thats the way. For a better opening, you need to pierce the skin with your nail first.

Garcinia humilis, a.k.a Achacha a.k.a achachairĂº 

This is the nice exotic Achacha flesh

From my reviewed today, this fruit is related to the mangosteen..No wonder the way to open is similar. Even the seeds quite similar since the flesh is quite sticky to the seed surface.

Talking about the taste, it just remind me to the tropical fruits in Malaysia. Most of the tropical fruits taste like this.  For the first time this fruit on my tongue..Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving me chance to taste this fruit. The taste make me thinking, "Oh, I did taste before, Where?What?When?" So, I conclude that the taste is quite similar to Lansium domesticum or the hybrid among this species. 

All in all, this fruit is unique and taste good.

Let me shared
This is Bunga Tanjung. This tree is grown around the school compound in Kelantan, Malaysia. The smells is quite strong. I am still remember, we as a student, rushing to school early in the morning just to collect this fallen flower, and align them together by using the grass straw to make a neckless or bangle..Oh my childhood.
And this is the fruit of Bunga Tanjung

This is different. A sweet Malaysian dessert called Bunga Tanjung too. The shape resembles the real Bunga Tanjung.

 Alhamdulillah, have the opportunity to taste this blessing from Allah.

Still remember the quiz that I had yesterday, How many blessing that Allah showers us in this world. Allah only shower us with 1% of His blessing in this world. Could you imagine, with this 1%, we can get a lot of things from Him. Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Powerful.

Alhamdulillah, be a grateful muslim

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

White LieS

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

White Lies

I am not good at telling lies, hence there is no white lies in my dictionary of life.
The more I appreciate a person, the more I wanna be sincere and honest to them.
Although it might hurt, deep inside, at least I can tell them the truth.
At least they know that I am sincere, I am honest and I am who I am.

White lies
Comfort but somehow it is more hurtful than telling the truth
especially once they know the truth
Am I right?

White Lies
White Lies
and White Lies

InsyaAllah, I will prevent my tongue.
Only for the permissible things.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Adakah aku sayangkan sahabatku macamana aku sayangkan diri aku sendiri?


Do I love my friends like my own self?

O Allah, I like to complaint so much when I was with friends before. my tongue like a snakes'. Word an action are completely different sometimes. I do love my friends. I love them till it hard for me to let them go.

So, what is my solution for this? I did bad things to them, for example, I make a sour face, not talk to them, annoyed them with my actions and so on. I hope that I will hate them and not miss them when ever they leave me.

My hypothesis is wrong!! Significantly wrong!! I am still miss them,...plus with my guilty action towards them. I am still remember several childish things I did to my friends, my beloved friends. O my friends I prayed that all  of you will have a bless life in this world and hereafter. Forgive me. I am still unable to confront all of you although I did apologise when I meet you all. Forgive me...

Just now, met a friend. She said to me that she do care her relationship with ALLAH but not between humans, and how she feel so bad about that. Yes, me too, and I always reflect myself about this matter. I like to talk bad.O Allah, how ignorance I am. I know what happens in Akhirat when I am talking bad things about others, I will eat the flesh of death. Even the sins of defame and slander is worse than adultery. O Allah, forgive me and avoid me from doing these haram things...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bermegah megah ( BOAST)


Alhamdulillah, have time for sharing today. Alhamdulillah, able went to university and finished some work. Alhamdulillah, met friends and have a chat with them. Alhamdulillah, able to attend seminar for Nanopatches. Alhamdulillah, done with Maghrib prayer and recite al-quran and tafsir. Alhamdulillah, be able to move till this seconds. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah..The Greater of Allah give me these chance for today.

I want to share something today, when I walked to the university this morning, my lips suddently recite Surat At-Takathur. I tried to recite it several times while walking but when I reached home, I want to now the meaning behind it. At-Takathur is mean The piling up-The Emulous Desire. Lets me shared it in the Arbic, Malay and English translation, so that you can recite and understand this surat too..

At-Takathur, Chapter 102 in Al -Quran

Translation of Surat At-Takathur in Malay language

Translation of Surat At-Takathur in English (above part),
and ahadith (bottom part)

Alhamdulillah O Allah to remind me. O Allah, purify the sustenances that I have. O Allah, make my sustenance blessed by You. O Allah, let me being a generous persons, both in materials and in heart. O Allah, protect me from being boast, arrogant and stingy since all that I have is Yours..


Monday, March 11, 2013

Be A Grateful Person

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

Alhamdulillah, will be able to update the blog again.

There was a day, I was walking home from university, I saw a spastic student. Actually I am not sure either he is a spastic or not but based on the way he walked, he is. So I decide either to walk pass over him or just follow from the back. Hesitate at first but at last, I decide to just followed from behind since I dont want to offend him if i walk suddenly too far from the road just because to avoid his uncoordinated movement.

Before this, I just walked pass any disable person if i am in rush or there are lots of people since they will not notice me but somehow that day, I would like to have a deep understanding on the life of disable person. And, my initial intention is to appreciate and grateful on what I have till today. The gift that Allah give me till today.."Movement". Alhamdulillah.

So, I'm just followed him from behind, from university until the convenient shop near my rented house since he stopped by to buy his necessity. I was happy to see him to have his life just like any other normal person.  While walking, he was smiling to the beauty of nature, till at one moment when he was too excited and focus on reading the board on his side, he could not balanced his walked and stumbled. The way he stumble is not like normal person. He fall, take a relax, adjust himself to be in pumping position, take a relax and then wake up. Along this 15 min walked, he stumbled for two times, and almost stumbled on the road when walking down the hilly  pedestrian access.

I was just looking when he was stumble for the first time with out any reaction but only Allah knew what I feel that time. The second time, I was just asking him, "are you ok?" and he replied "Yes, thank you". I tried to start conversation with him but stop since he seems not comfortable to talked while walking. He need to focus on his walk. O Allah, give him your guidance so that he will not suffer again in the hereafter. Amen.

That day make me ponder all the bless and comfort that Allah give me. Alhamdulillah.
I am giving a good physical, mental, emotion and spiritual. Alhamdulillah, Islam guide me to the way I am today..

Saturday, March 9, 2013

First lecture on 2013


And Alhamdulillah, I had my first lecture for my last undergraduate course. RBUS6911 is a course similar to BIOT2002 and BIOT3004, with more details and explanation. They were about commercialization in research world.  RBUS6911 stand for Commerce Honours Seminar. This course is a combination of students from various area of study such as marketing, business and honours in research based. I am enjoyed this course, of course!! I am know a little bit about business or more specific nere, the intelectual property but somehow these course did open my mind a little by little about the world of MONEY >.< and Value.  Yes, it is not all about money but the VALUE. The value to the community, value to the organisation, value to the needed and of course, value to self. ALhamdulillah.

I came at 9am sharp today but the lecture had begin already. Why? I am so confused. Is my watch wrong? Oh no! The clock wall showed the 910am. I thought I am the late one but there are few more peoples (many) coming after that.. Huhu -.-. As the lecture finish, realise that the clock wall is 10 minutes earlier and the sister beside me said that the lecture is just began when I entered the room. that is mean ""I'm LATE for just a few seconds"""""""""" OH NO!!!!

Intellectual Property (IP)?

IP represents the property of your mind or intellect or also known as your proprietary of knowledge. It is something like your invention, trade mark, original design or the practical application of a good idea. 

Types of IP?
  1. Patent
  2. Trade mark
  3. Plant Breeders Right
  4. Design
  5. Copyright
  6. Circuit layout right
  7. Trade secret/confidentiality

What is patent?

>> It is something that granted you a right for any device, substance, method or process, which is new, inventive and useful.

>>meaning that you can protect your idea, since an idea without protection is useless.

>>the life of patent is 20 years, that means, within this period, you will have no competitors on your patent.

>>Artistic creations, mathematical models and in short purely mental processes is cannot be patented

Why need patent?

>> Organisation need patent for research and research training

>> Patent give money to this organisation to keep research keeps going and become competitive

>>Competitive? (Yes, in research for example, you need to buy the most updated and advanced technology so that you can discover many things easier and quicker)

::This to ensure that the performance is maintained. =D

Weird IP

>> It does sound weird since even the smell, sound, hologram, color, motion, aroma and tactile also are patentable..There are eligible to have the intelectual property protection too.

>>Why? Oh..even the sound can be commercialise such as by making it as a ..RINGTONE!!, and even a smell can distinguish between the drink

>>about the smell,,,the most I like and agree is..The smell of fresh cut grass..For me this is laughable but still, this smell is really make my mind calm..Alhamdulillah, Thank You Ya Rabb for giving us these creation of yours. Although we stepped on grass everyday, and even we cut them, they still give us the best. It protect us from the sharpness of soil texture and the nice and  calm fragrance.

What is the basic of Intellectual Property?


Type of knowledge?

You can gain knowledge from
  1. Experience-you know when you did it (imply your knowledge)
  2. Fact or truth (learning before you do it such as by reading. This is very VERY and very essential and powerful of knowledge due to ability to create new knowledge)
  3. Branch of learning- knowledge in specific area that require skill and technique
  4. Study/research-experimental such as by doing backyard invention
The #2 and #4 type of knowledge is potential to impact larger population and are Very very important...of course, knowledge is very powerful.

 To have better life kot>


1) Codified knowledge - a written knowledge that you wanna explain to everyone. Like a research paper. it is something that you already come up before.

2) Tacit knowledge - the future knowledge that you wanna people to have and this is a valuable knowledge.. =D

Alhamdulillah,blogging and at the same time revising the day of lecture.

InsyaAllah, everything will be fine


Friday, March 8, 2013

A story about DuriAn

Once, I read a phrase that I barely remember it but somehow, it sounds like

“There is no fruit can fall down without you climb up the tree and get it”


My answer is NOPE!

How about DURIAN? Coconut?

Yup, this fruit came across into my mind as the lightning struck my brain. WOW! Yes, I am the durian-lover. Most of people found that this fruit has a strong smell. Yes, I can accept it for those who never taste it and who ever not familiar with this fruit. I am just cannot tolerate when one of my friend said that her lecturer told that the smell is like urine. How childish a professional career person describes the fruit. I’m just cannot accept it since how you can compare the food with the something that you cannot even lick it. At least try to respect the food and the people who love it >.-. And try to appreciate the food around you since lots of people in this world struggle everyday for just a bite of food to fill their empty stomach.

Many people fall in love with durian for the first time they eat too, regardless what the smell is like. For me, durian needs to eat fresh, on the same day it touch the ground. This is because the smell emits from this day is not so strong and the taste is superb. Yes, superb creamy (depends on the type of durian itself). I like the creamy and firm green durian and not really a fan of smooth durian. By the way, durian flower has a very pleasant fragrant and I really enjoy picking the abscission flower on the ground and sometimes I smell from the tree itself.. =D

So, what happen to the durian that cannot be eaten in the same day of its fallen? Yes, this is cannot be help since there are lots of durian fall down to the earth on the same day. So what we gonna do with them? There are several things that you can do with durian

1.     Eat fresh with the fresh coconut milk and glutinous rice-Yummy yummy
2.     Cook with coconut milk, add some pandan leaves and sugar palm, and eat with glutinous rice- Yummy but a bit sweet
3.     Fried with sugarpalm until it dried out-without oil added and this can last longer
4.     Mix with sugar, salt and chilies to make a food flavour- or else we called it TEMPOYAK in Malaysia
5.     Muffin, cake, crepe and other baking/fried/steamed stuff that came across your mind- Why not give it a try, right? And perhaps you can commercializes them like how vegemite is.

The power point durian..
When I get home during the season, will post some of fresh Durian ok?

Back to the phrase before,

“There is no fruit can fall down without you climb up the tree and get it”

It is about endeavor. Yes, nothing can come to us without we struggle to get them. Even a durian, although you did not have to climb the tree, you still need to rush to pick them once you heard the sound (if not it might be stole =P), and find a good knife to open it carefully. A durian seems easy since you just wait for them to fall but in reality it is one of the difficult fruit to consume since you need to face its sharp thorn. Compared to the other fruit, you can just freely eat them straight away after you pluck them such as apple and mango.

There are lots of thing around us that can make us think and reflect our life. Just like an ayah in Al-Quran, chapter 3 verses 191.

Semoga Jumaat kita bermanfaat hari ini. InsyaAllah. Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

University of Queensland


Alhamdulillah, I have been in Australia for almost 2 years and 8 months. However, I rarely talk about this country. I am not sure why, perhaps because I am still here not missing this country yet. However, in another four months, I will leave this continent.  Yes, a bit sad but there is still lots of other places that I need to travel, experience and feels.

Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving me a chance to step in this kangaroo continent. I am never dreamt to be here before until I voice out the choice of country to the interviewer in 16 April 2007 . It was a date that I could not erased from my memory since everything began there, at the UniKL.

Cut the introduction, let move to our topic of the day. University of Queensland. UQ is one of the Group of Eight Australia University. What is that? Group of Eight or in short, Go8 is an alliance of Australian universities that have an intensive research programme as well as excellent in both general and professional education. As its name, the Go8 is consist of coalition of leading Australian universities which are:

Australian National University
The University of Queensland 
The University of  New South Wales
 The University of Adelaide
The University of Sydney
 The University of Melbourne
The University of Western Australia 
MONASH university

                              Note: The arrangement is not based on the ranked =D. 

As a research student in one of the premier research-intensive university, I 

work under one of the eight world-class research institute here.

InsyaAllah, will grab the best from this university. 


That's all for this time since I have technical error in my post. See you.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The House


House. Since young, I wanna built a house for my parents. A nice and proper house. When I'm getting older, the term built actually means to add, or to make it better. My parents already own a house since I was a child. It was a shophouse, or something like a warehouse. Although it is what it is, that was the place that I grew up till today. My father told me once, "look, how old and shabby our house is" with his eyes looking at the roof of our house. At that moment, I feel nothing since I am grateful to have a house, a house that my parents own, with no need to pay the rental. Even though it is old and shabby compared to the other houses, I am so lucky since " My House is My Paradise".

My house area is surrounding with many beauty houses. Since young too, I planned to make my house the most elegant and naturally sophisticated. To make our house to have bigger size, bigger house compound, more levels, more exclusive furniture, pools, playgrounds and so on. Oh, how world cheat me when I was child.

Now, I am grow older and become more rational. This world is just for a moment and the Akhirah is the real and truth life of all human. Islam do teach me to be moderate in whatever we do. Alhamdulillah. Yes, Islam do not prevent human to grab the luxury in this life but what is the meaning of all the luxurious if it mislead our life, become arrogant and ungrateful? So, is it worth it? Person try to catch up with life by neglecting the life surrounding them. A father forget their responsibility to taking care of the family by giving the love and the feel of belonging, just because rushing for money. A mother neglect the responsibility to feed their child and family just because to be the most beauty and elegant person. And a child, forget the responsibility to taking care of parents just because wanna have fun with friends. This is a simple example fro daily life but somehow it is related to many of us.

Alhamdulillah, the aims that I really wanna achieved since child, InsyaAllah, I will struggle for them but I really wanna to achieve them in Akhirah too. And all of these is Allah's.

This is once of the world luxury. Could you imagine how the Paradise will look like? Subhanallah, it must be millions and millions time greater than this. InsyaAllah, lets do our part in this world so that we can grab the Paradise in Akhirah...Amin..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just Because of the Tongue

Astarghfirullah al-Adzhim

O Allah, forgive me.

Just because of tongue, the mouth disaster.
Just because of tongue, the body disaster.
Just because of tongue, the relationship is finished.
Just because of tongue, the sins is rocketed.

Just because of tongue, the blessing is gone
Just because of tongue, the hell is waiting.
Just because of tongue...

But, just because of tongue, the paradise is waiting...

The bless that Allah give us. To praise Him, do Zikr and good things. O Allah, forgive me if I misused the nikmat that You give me.

Protect my tongue to say the bad things. O Allah, protect my tongue from lying, from talking the bad about others, from complaining and be not grateful to what You had give me.

o Allah, do protect us...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Oh my NanoDrop~

Salam Sayyidul Ayyam

Alhamdulillah, still be given a chance by Allah s.w.t to breath in this world till this second.
Experiment on progress. Yes, absolutely. Yesterday, I did try another dilution ratio for my genomic DNA. I wanna obtain a standard curve to calculate the Efficincy of the qPCR amplification. Unfortunately it did not success. Innalillah wainna ilaihi rojiun...

But still, Alhamdulillah since for the same day, i did a NanoDrop test to my sample. I wanna know the real concentration of my genomic DNA. What?  a NANODROP?

UMH>>>Yes, it is<<<< HOORAY.

The Nanodrop machine that I used,
 from the instrument servicing company, BIOLAB.
The software is ND-1000 V3.7.1
Alhamdulillah, yesterday, I was given a chance to do a nanodrop quantification for my genomic DNA. I am never imagined myself to have this chance. I was wishing this chance for several years and how lucky I am this year. Before this, the research assistance did it for me without showing it. Tup2, already get the measurement for the DNA quantity and quality and it was frustrated since you cannot see and know what type of machine it was and how does it work..right? but yesterday, ALhamdulillah...Allah gave me time to do this.

And for today, I did quantify my genomic DNA again.alone all by myself.. Seems nervous at first but somehow, it ended fabulous. My genomic DNA is little but it still enough for the qPCR analysis. Alhamdulillah.

This is the qPCR machine that I used for my fungal quantification.
From QIAGEN company and it is called the Rotor-Gene Q qPCR machine.
The tubes for qPCR is very small. I used the one that 4 tubes attached together.
The qPCR tubes. I did spill the caps once. -.-

Perhaps I need to talked my experiment in brief for the next blogpost so that i would not forget in the future.

I met Japanese friend since a long time we had not meet when I was in John Hines building to used NanoDrop machine. She was very happy, and me too, of course. Lots of thing we did together since the second year of our undergraduate study. And today, she explained me the theory behind Nanodrop, such as the ration of 260/280, 260/230 the peak of wavelength. We talked a lot just now and at 12, her supervisor called her for the meeting. Before she left, what a nice thing is " Umh, you will came again right?" " Lets meet again". She left me with  a smile and walked to the meeting room at level 3. Alhamdulillah O Allah for giving me this wonderful friend. Give your guidance to her too..Amin..

Islam teach me to love others like I love myself. Alhamdulillah.
