=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

MArket Day at UQ


I went to the university early yesterday to prepare the stuff for qPCR (I’m making the standard curve). When I arrived at the lab, I saw the seniors were talking to each other. I’m not greeting them since I’m never talked to them before and a smile would be enough. Somehow, one of them greet me “ Good morning=D”. I’m just reply “Morning”, with a smile. The lab door is locked. One of them “are you want to enter the lab?” he asked. “Yes”, I replied. “ Oh, I am here, the door keeper. Usually I took a charge to open the door”, tried to make a joke with me. “ I’m just smile and chuckle a bit (I don’t like my self to have a chuckle!!!!!). “But for you, its free today”, he added with a smile. “ Oh, thanks” I replied with a smile again.. and a chuckle. =(. 

“Are you going for market day?”, I was rained with this question today. Oh, yes, after the lab is done.

Yesterday was a Market Day in UQ. Market Day is held every Wednesday through out the semester. However, yesterday was the biggest market day for this year since the new semester for this year is gonna began. Lots of booth was opened such as the clubs and society, as well as from organizations. I took this opportunity to have a look on the Market Day for this first semester on year 2013. It was WOW! And these are several pictures from yesterday event..
Have a look.
The games also were provided during Market Day

Muslim Booth

A friend's snap

Booth in front of Forgan Smith building

Booths in the usual place of the Market day through out the year

The Uq representatives that took our shot. That DSLR is ..I wanna it tooo... Hahha=C

In front of Forgan Smith, the historical building for UQ

The place where students grab their new Student Diary for 2013

The music comes from the market day shake my eardrum, and I’m just wanna join it. We grab a lot (not so la) goodies bag.  For example from the Red Frog, ANZ bank, Commonwealth Bank and secondhand textbook. For the interesting part is, I get the blue snake shaped piggy bank. There are two shape actually which are the atm shape and snake shape but the atm shape is already run out. Here is it

Then, the lady from the Uq representative approached us to take pictures. So, why not?  Just smile!. =D. Then we rush to the faculty of science building to get the green tumbler (Just dawdled la) but the thing is, it only limited to the new science students. So sad =(.And the happy thing is, I got this shiny green apple for free..haha ( ok rather than nothing, right?) , plus, I am hungry too..

Headed to multifaith center to perform Zuhr and headed to Hartly Teakle building to see my qPCR. On the way, get this cute little diary, with a bright D. It is so the resent of the year. The “D” that bring me a smile. Is it contributed to me (so perasan) haha. 
The D-diary =D

And the poor thing for today is…where is my negative control??????? Should I re-do? Umh..  but Ahamdulillah (I'm currently doing it today). Before went home yesterday, I managed to snap a beautiful scene, a gift from Allah s.w.t for us, His slave.

The contrast with the above and below.

At night, after Isya prayer jumaah with friend, went to friend houses to get know the juniors. They are really friendly. Love them =D. Have a nice chat with them. They are really in making jokes.  Got a call from my housemate.. Happy!!! She is already in Brisbane. OK, need to packing up the house..

I am so happy today although I lost a pin and a scarf needle. Alhamdulillah O Allah for the greatest nikmat that You give me today. O Allah do makes me a grateful person. Amin..

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