=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

BUlaN BarU!!!


Already the third day of April. MEaning that there are two months to go for honours and final exam.
FEel scared..>.<..
Lots of things happened this week and the last week. Too many to list.

->First assessable tutorial..ALHAMDULILLAH
->Forgot to submit assignment before the class. Immediately emailed to the lecturer and successfully submitted 2 hours after the lecture. ALHAMDULILLAH
->The boiling chicken overcooked till the water dried and the chicken pieces turned brown (still Yummy!!)-due to too nervous not submitting on time..O ALLAH, do make me not forgetful..AMIN...
->Friend asked for me to be a "friend" to her cousin..O ALLAH do give a pious husband that can lead me to Your path and me can help him to Your path too. and together raise our children and family to Your path..AMIN...
->Too hard to get up from bed till I miss the genomic class and watered the maize in glasshouse..Sorry guys!! Luckily there is lectopia. ASTARGFIRULLAH AL AZIM...
->Inspection of dwelling by the agent= Luckily I do cleaned up the kitchen before went to class at 9.
->Submit assignment..What did I write? ALHAMDULILLAH,...I finished it early than expected.
->Today, get busted by tutor for the Q7..and I am the last person to finished the genomic practical session...>.

O ALLAH do protect my sight from looking at the things that can make my heart and my brain to be forgetful...Protect my tongue to say something that can hurt people..Protect my ears from listening to the bad stuff..Protect my family, myself, muslims and religion from slanderer...

O ALLAH my life is Yours and to You I give my life. I have nothing..It is Your Gracious that give me this life...THANK YOU ALLAH...


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