=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

FrEE But EXhaUsteD.. PeTITIoN?


Today I am considered free since the class is only from 8 to 9 but seems a bit exhausted, perhaps just because i have slept for only 3 hours last night (late and not a quality sleep).

What the most interesting I would like to share today is about Falun Dafa or Falun Gong. I'm never came across this word before until today when I went to city to buy a rim of A4 paper from OfficeWork.

The cheapest one!!

After stepped out from 412 bus, across the street, I was greet by a chinese aunty. 'Would you mind to have and read this?'..Oh yes, I answered..Then after about three steps away from that aunty, a chinese uncle came, " Would you mind to join the petition?" "Oh, I need to read what is it all about first",I replied. And the uncle and auntie started to explain to me about what is happened to the Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is about organ harvesting..The cruel and immoral action that had happened for several years and still continuing till today..Then, " would you like to sign up?" " Yup, I am"..Then several conversation happens when I filled the form..and finally,

Auntie: from Malaysia? Or...
Me: Yes, I am. You too?
Auntie: Yes I am, KL?
Me: No, east part. You?
Auntie: KL
Auntie: Are you happy to be here? Not too hot right?
Me: Quite happy..
Me: one and half year to go...
She is so friendly =D. Then she gave me this lovely lotus replica... The shiny colours of the origami paper is so catching!! plus with enthuse words " Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance".

Lovely right?

I am not knowing much about what is happened. Basically it is about inhuman activity that happened to the Falun Gong practitioners in China where their organs were harvested. I am not here to judging but let browse some of the snap pictures from the pamphlet that I got at Brisbane city this morning.

Okay, done for today.

"When Our Heart is ready to accept, everything would be easy. It is all depends on our heart. Islam is a beauty religion. When a person asked, " How can you prove that Islam is the most perfect religion?"...The answer is " There is no answer for this question". Why?

There is no use to explain why Islam is beauty while your heart is full of hatred. Every answer will became useless. That is why when you try to understand Islam, purify your heart and try to accept..InsyaAllah (by the will of Allah), you will love Islam..Amin..

O ALLAH, I seek for your forgiveness... Bless my life and all muslims in the world and hereafter.. Show the true path to others too..AMIN....


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