=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Monday, January 9, 2012

ALLAH filled up my empty SOUL..ALHAMDULILLAH

BISMILLAH...Assalamualaikum to all muslims all over the world..and have a good day for the non-muslims.

Hows your days? I hope that you all have blessing days. I am just performing my Isyak prayer. Alhamdulillah.. I got the peace.

Alhamdulillah, I had a blessed three months holiday at my hometown for summer holidays. During these days, I thought a lot about dunya (world matters). For example, what I should do after holidays, what course should i take, what job should i apply for the next year and a half, what salary that i admired, what place should i work, how my family should be, who is my partner...and so on. So much to think about the dunya but i did not say that it is wrong. Actually it is good things to do since it did explained that we got a plan in our life.

Thinking of the time that I wasted, I started to improved myself in language,,, I started to read the fact about the scientific journal (since i'm gonna make an honour report next year), how to improve my writing, reads local newspapers and story about the worlds (including gossip----=BAD). I am also try to learn mandarin since I know that there must be a reason why in prophet Muhammad's hadith said "seek knowledge even reach the state of China"--I need references for this. There must be something behind this phrase and I hope that i could 'decode' this phrase one day. however, by looking at the optimism of chinese attitude especially in bussiness (What Prophet Muhammad said that 9/10 of sustenance is coming from business) and education, we can already 'decode' that phrase. Today, the world's economy are mostly conquered by the chinese. The awareness of the parents regarding education make them sacrifice a lot for the sake to educate their children....All in all, they struggle to achieve what they want..and hope for the best!! Congrate!

This is all about dunya.... however we can link them to the akhirat too... Use the knowledge, wealth, energy and our thought for the sake of ummah. Islam.

After Isyak prayer, I opened my social network account. My eye 'stunned' for this phrase.

Allah berfirman: Jika engkau lebih mengejar duniawi daripada mengejar dekat denganKu maka Aku berikan, tapi Aku akan menjauhkan kalian dari SyurgaKu"...---

Just like a lightning ...or a sword that "puncture" my eye straight to my heart... Ya ALLAH...Alhamdulillah for your reminder.
Oh my Lord, ALLAH the Almighty... make us love You more than everything in this world...make us not to forget You,.. make all of us an obedient slave of You, Ya RAbb.

P/s: Priority hereafter but not to forget the world too. The easier step, Recite BISMILLAH (with the name of ALLAH)....once you wanna start your daily activity and ALHAMDULILLAH (Praise to Allah) when you finished it. SUBHANALLAH (Glory be to Allah) when you see the beauty or something amazing, and ASTAGHFIRULLAH (I seek forgiveness from Allah) when you saw improper action for example.

Assalamualaikum.. ALHAMDULILLAH ( Praise to Allah).

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