=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

DEvilS aRe ARounds>????<:";'./[p;[;/

JUst cannot hold my temper.........................
PLease dont RISEUP yr voice to me.........Without reason
as IT would invite the deVIL into MY HEART>............
my BRAin.........my FACE.......... mY ATTitudE....
And so ON............
PLease MInd YR maNNER..
If u WAnt me TO Care yr own FEELing...............
I am JUSt a simple PErson, HUman being
that FIllED with eMOTIONs
NOt A smiley robot
neither a Cute doll nor yr mAid

i care about u even thought u does hurt and press me.......
it just because we are human...
and every human is related

Thanks to ALLAH as i still can hold my temper...
though i wrote this=)

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