=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Monday, June 28, 2010

SCKLM 2010

My last day as a Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2010 volunteer. Lots of things happened on that days. i actually registered myself s a volunteer for 4 days but managed to go there only for 3 days. the third days...I'm late!!!!
and was rejected by the management!!!!!!!!!!!huwaaa, so shame of my own self

Overall this event is quite good. By the way, lets talk about my experience as a volunteer oK?

the first day, went i went there, me with my friends lost...haha...
on the way to go there,we actually walk from STAR LRT Titiwangsa to Stadium Titiwangsa for almost one hour...actually it needs less than 15 minutes u know... On that time , in an hour, we manage to locate the istana budaya, national blood donation center, national heart institute, walking around Titiwangsa lake, knew the price for riding a horse and so on.... my friends very3 tired and started to............CRY.....=((( but its funny for me..Sorry dear, i cannot empathy on you because i am so eager to know what is round there...
when we arrived, the management on the spot pointing towards me to be as a runner. Alhamdulillah, although i'm still tired but its my duty as the watch is started to show 12pm(bout 2/3 minutes). the money i gain should be "clean"...heheh XDDDD

my toe nails very3 hurt this days... am i too excited??? haha..maybe
What the funny things happens is when one of the runner comes to my counter. then he said "wow, this counter so fast", then when i started to finds his bips number, the arrangement is mixed up and he had to wait...but not too long ler...hhaaaa,,,,not his luck ==DDD. all my jobs is not futile when i show the marathoner their size of bip to confirms as one of the runners said that "wow you are good as you confirm with us first", and i only smile and said thanks you sir, just to avoid mistake. My partner on that time, hehhe no need to critics mine some more lor.

" hello, i'm~~~~, you?" some guy comes. I refuse to shake hand, then he said. " just a simple shake to know you", " i'm ~~~".still remember my friends say that we have not make nonmmuslim shame in the public. so i have to respond to his hand, just for a simple, "hello i'm ~~~".

My adventure friend(one hour walking partner,,hehe) Today is her last day since she will attend her cousin weds. Lots of things happens today. Especially i meet my new friends and her cousin. then a brother and sister and some more. they all are very2 nice...i have a chat with some of student from UM too. he said that dont get cheated with the appearance and rumors. I take this a a lesson for me so that i m more confident towards my own. i do variety of jobs today so that i am not focusing to be a runners alone and hurt my own nails. its not i am selfish but prepared for the next day so that i can give my best for the next day as a runner, who needs a very fast service. lets today i'm just packing and arrange the begs, arrange the bip number and be a runner and key in data. Thanks DAY 2.Alhamdulillah


i went to the briefing session near padang merdeka with friends car. Pity for him s he got a summon after the briefing. MY first time seeing padang merdeka in real...woooohaaaaa. but i'm show this "excitedness" externally....haha
the briefing on 9am and roughly until 1130 am. when we went to titiwangsa stadium,"you are late, how we gonna paid you?" we are rejected as a volunteer...huwa....not my luck.. just went home and take a rest for the next day..


went to padang merbok at 130 am from my college. then, we have to wait until 430am since our name is not on the list. at last some of us were issued as either a checker or marshal. then we took a bus to go to our duty station. the ride is about an hour an half....so...long. then our duty is started.NExt entry will talk about this ok?
i'm still tired now

Thanks ALLAh, i know new things and friends on this day.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stadium Titiwangsa, Jalan Tembeling, Kuala Lumpur

so hard to go here
actually it is so easy. just take the ktm, star then either u walk or take a cab to titiwangsa stadium.

i become a volunteer for this few days. today is my second day. it is so nice actually. though we have been paid to do this which is not "volunteer" anymore...hahahhahaha$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

but at least i can learn management
though it is the basic only.
how to deal with people and mae friends to those we ony know. They all are nice.....
ALAHAMDULILLAH thank you ALLAh for giving me this chance to know my own self amd interest. Hopes on YOU so that my journey of life here nd hereafter will be always under Your Blessing ,,AMIN...................

Friday, June 18, 2010

FReezE the HEarT oR HAnds???????hahahhahah

out of sudden i could not write during the exam
feel so nervous though......
my hand is shivering.....
lucky my left hand hold it.....huhu
and i have to wait for a few seconds
so that my hand can calm down itself....huwa2
..........even do not check my sit this time
what a clumsy i am
by the way, my name appears as the first person....
hopefully i can be as excellent as i deserved


Thursday, June 17, 2010

WAnna freeze ThIs HeArt..........

Should this heart be as hard as it can?
should this heart help me to hold my decision as rigid as it can?
should this heart just bear what people said?
should this heart just neglect what it have done?
should this heart be insensitive?
should this heart be as dark as it can?
should this heart be as white as it can?

I miss that kittens
though i'm not so interest with them but when my friends brings it to her sister home,
i'm feel lost... is it because i'm feel guilty for not taking care of them?
donno what to explain
but i'm feel uneasy for that
making myself feel very empthy
trying to empathy on that kittens???hehe (they lost their mom)

but my ego...... HA>...........I<3 that kittens lor.....
i'm dont want to express it....
as i dont want to be label as a ind or very kind....
i hate people praise me...
c u then

SUBHANALLAH, all Your creature is amazing........

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

DEvilS aRe ARounds>????<:";'./[p;[;/

JUst cannot hold my temper.........................
PLease dont RISEUP yr voice to me.........Without reason
as IT would invite the deVIL into MY HEART>............
my BRAin.........my FACE.......... mY ATTitudE....
And so ON............
PLease MInd YR maNNER..
If u WAnt me TO Care yr own FEELing...............
I am JUSt a simple PErson, HUman being
that FIllED with eMOTIONs
NOt A smiley robot
neither a Cute doll nor yr mAid

i care about u even thought u does hurt and press me.......
it just because we are human...
and every human is related

Thanks to ALLAH as i still can hold my temper...
though i wrote this=)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

EXAmination MoOD....

Seems like this time, i am alone to take the exams.
for the first time i am staying with the people with different program and course. actually it is quite nice as it train me to be independent. What the most i like is i can do whatever and whenever i like and want.

Seems like he is coming back this june. the day before my exam is started and the other one the day before my 21st. haha, it's just coincident. Hopefully i can do well in this exam thought it seems difficult for me to score.

lots of incident happen this few weeks. just coming back from hometown make me feel guilty towards my beloved parents. WHy?? they do lots of things for me. And me, still make troubles for them. In education of course lots of money should be invested first. i could not wait to be graduated student and hence, a workers so that, at least i can lighten my parents' burden in term of financial.

i want to do lots of thing to them.... not just financial, s my mom had said before that, money is nothing and she is really in the "bad mood" when my brother said " money is the power", teasingly.

Dad, a very dedicated person that i had ever met but now he seems to be very tired and rarely smile. if not, he always smile and talks alot with us. Last week, dad seems very tired. i don't want to get home to see my parents tired............Ya Allah, give them the strength, peace mind, good health and Your blessing.......Amin....