=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The best gift from ALLAH for this Ramadhan

ALhamdulillah, nothing can I do to express how grateful I am to Allah for what He had did for me... SUBHANALLAH,ALHAMDULILLAH Ya Allah... ALLAHU AKBAR..LAILAHA ILA ALLAH....Allah, my only and the only God

On the 25th night of Ramadhan 1433, which was last two days, ALLAH give me opportunity..in fact, it is the best gift and opportunity for me. I was dreamt of my late grandfather, "Ayah". How ALLAH knew that I am really missed my Ayah. I dreamt that we placed the mixture of concrete and some sort of woods to test that the water from fish-pool is prevented from leaking or flowing out of the pool. It was such a great moment that Allah gave us. Then, the best part was, I was able to hug my beloved Ayah in that dreamt after we had several conversations ( I forgot...=(..). Actually Ayah does not say anything,he just smiled at me when doing the pool. Some gesture that said that I have to be mentally and physically strong. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah..for giving this opportunity to see my Ayah's face and hug him..although only in my precious Ramadhan's dream. Ya Allah, in this Ramadhan, I hope from You...do give us opportunity to meet in Your Jannatul Firdaus...Please Ya Allah,,only You that I can rely on in this world and hereafter..Amin... May Allah Bless My Ayah, Che Ya Che Daud ..Al-Fatihah.

Alhamdulillah...Terima kasih Ya Allah for this Ramadhan..Ampunilah dosaku, dosa kedua ibubapaku, dosa abang2ku, dosa adik-adikku, dosa nenek-nenek dan datuk-datukk serta orang-orang sebelumku Ya Allah, sahabat2ku, muslimin muslimat di dunia ini...samaada masih hidup ataupun telah kembali kepadaMu Ya Allah...Ampunilah dosa kami Ya Allah... Selawat dan Salam ke atas junjungan besar kami, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, keluarga dan sahabat baginda Ya Allah... Amin Amin Amin...

Ya Allah, i do hope that my friends and I can graduate with first class honours Ya Allah...Amin...so that we can help others and own own family,,, and our future family...Amin