=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prioritize myself

ALhamdulillah, i am just moving to this house at Warren street last Sunday and started to stay here on Monday. The rent was quit affordable compared to the previous apartment at the same street that are just a stone throw from this house.

Everything goes smoothly and i hope that i will have a peaceful here with my housemates. They all are nice, just like the previous housemates in my traveling life.

Office words saving due to no asses to the internet

Today at 0004, feb 25.

I am starting to write my heart in the word document since my house did not connected to the Internet yet. I am saying at a luxurious house this semester with juniors. It is a little bit elegant for me but yet it does not comfort my mind and heart so much. What is the reasons….. I just did not known it myself. Like the saying said , the feeling that cannot be describe by the words

There are a lot of tears running out from my heart yesterday.
They are laughing!!!!! At me?? or The apron?? Or My dad’s job? Or the government stuff?? Or that campaign?? Sorry to say but they are too much… I am coming from a middle family background and was destined to be always together in a house with girls from a rich and super rich family. Money is just like the oxygen in the air for them. Sometimes I feels down but I tried to comfort myself that its her fathers not her, I can find it one day, money cannot buy the happiness, money cannot buy the health, money cannot be judged at the hereafter.

I am being a roommate with different types of people but overall they are super nice. The most I respect is my friend when I was 18 years old. I’m being her roommate for a year and half when I was studying at one of the most versatile private college in Asia. She is a very nice and humble girl that comes from a rich family. She always support myself with her wise words when I am down but poor me since I did not know how to share my feeling to other people. I am just like to let it “planted” in my heart. I do not know how to express how I cared about her. How I respect her. How much I admired her. How much I missed her. How much I did not want to let her go..i always ignored her by not talking much to her…”to you my friend, I am really SORRY I***.

A day when our results is released, she called me, she got an excellent result… I’m happy for her. Then, few months after she was landed to the overseas, she called me again and talked about her problem, how she feels the unhealthy meals that she takes there, the unhealthy lifestyle without jogging, the friends that cannot be a truly friends and so on. At the very moment, I feel so bless that she still remember me though I know that she hate me whenever I do the things that can break her heart. I do read her blog and how she expressed her unsatisfied feeling with my action which is like a witch…..SORRY again I***.

When I was landed to the same country with her to further my degree, I do visit her house since she invited me to stay at hers. Then, she came to my house after that to visit my suburb…. We do pray together and I cried after that since I knew that she will be back to the Newcastle tomorrow….I’m still remember her words about life partner…she ask me about what guy I like. I answer “ the one that is neat and tidy .,,How about you?I ask her again. Then she answered “ neat and tidy too. Face or money? She asked me back. Then i answered “ not too handsome and not too bad for my eye, money can comes later when he is struggle for the best and I don’t want people that are rich because of their father. All in all education can ‘buy’ the money". Then she answered me “ I want a rich guy”. Without being asked, she explain to me that since she is always live in a rich lifestyle, she does not want that one day she will argued about money with her future husband. She does not want to be a bad wife… and so on. What she said is true actually. She knew what she wants and I prayed that she would get a good husband in the future…. Ya Allah, do let her married a man that is the best for her….Amin…=D ( an hour I blogging today)

Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless all of us..Amin