=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

40 Days is enough

Forty days. what does i mean for me. it is already 40days (and maybe longer than that) i had my semester holiday. Overall,it is both interesting and wasting.

Let me discuss about the negative part first. My daily routine is not properly planned. i woke up in the morning a little bit late but still on time for the prayer. unfortunately, with no bath =P. Sometimes, i went back to my loving bed to continue my day dream~~Luckily, this few days i am able to controlled my self so that i would not going to my bed again after performing my prayer. Consequences, i slept at the afternoon for about two hours~and my father wondering if i am SICK???. To talk about my diet, it is the worse. i ate what ever i want at any time. Together with my siblings, we tried many delicacies until we felt bored.haha!!!. sis gain 4kg, and surprised,i gain nearly 6kg. All in all my days is full of entertainment

too many and to long to write it here. Everybody can be expect what was going on if i write this simple sentence. " Home sweet home"=)~ with all kinds of dancing, climb the tree, cooking, singing, joking, arguing,competing internet games, ghost stories, watching the tv programme together,laughing.............in short we do it TOGETHER and GATHER.....

Hopes this happiness will last forever with all family member stay in a pink of health....Amin.....