=D Knowledge.....IT's our FriENds, PillOw, MIrRow, Secretary Or MEdIciNe?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

40 Days is enough

Forty days. what does i mean for me. it is already 40days (and maybe longer than that) i had my semester holiday. Overall,it is both interesting and wasting.

Let me discuss about the negative part first. My daily routine is not properly planned. i woke up in the morning a little bit late but still on time for the prayer. unfortunately, with no bath =P. Sometimes, i went back to my loving bed to continue my day dream~~Luckily, this few days i am able to controlled my self so that i would not going to my bed again after performing my prayer. Consequences, i slept at the afternoon for about two hours~and my father wondering if i am SICK???. To talk about my diet, it is the worse. i ate what ever i want at any time. Together with my siblings, we tried many delicacies until we felt bored.haha!!!. sis gain 4kg, and surprised,i gain nearly 6kg. All in all my days is full of entertainment

too many and to long to write it here. Everybody can be expect what was going on if i write this simple sentence. " Home sweet home"=)~ with all kinds of dancing, climb the tree, cooking, singing, joking, arguing,competing internet games, ghost stories, watching the tv programme together,laughing.............in short we do it TOGETHER and GATHER.....

Hopes this happiness will last forever with all family member stay in a pink of health....Amin.....

Monday, November 9, 2009

LOVE ALLAH more than others

I fell lost when the person left me.
person will never with us for all the time but ALLAh does.
He never left us alone...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Yesterday i had once again the war between my own self.PRESENTATION! it is for the STAT 1201 but it quite nice. it seems that i have more confident right now. alhamdulillah. no matter what is the mark that i would get in this few days but the vital thing is, it really push me forward. to be more confident and dare to face all the obstacle in my study. now, i am trying to improve my speaking skill and communication with friends and society. i will give smile or chat who ever i meet. either it for the first day or second. it is nice to know others as more knowledge we would gain in this big world.

My sweet cousin call me today regarding her exam. i just said that it's ok , it is alreday pass but what we have to worry and do now is the future task(upcoming test) and pray hard to get the blessing from ALLAH s.w.t. =).

That is all from yesterday and today. All destiny is in ALLAH but as human we can change it with our hard work and blessing from HIM. amin.............

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friends inside the body


What is the meaning of this simple 6 letter? It's a lot actually and let's discover it based on my perception. =)

Friends are the person that responsible to protect us when ever we are both in bad or good situation. It is easy said than done. We always hear this words when ever somebody frustrated in their works. Here, the role of friends are being tested. They are needed during this time and can be said important to calm the person down and encourage them to be patient and accept whatever condition that will face in the future. Not only that, they have to encourage their friends and give spiritual support for them.

Now, I love my friends as my self but why sometimes i hate them?
is it because i hate my own?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ramadhan or give up?

SCHOOL~Today is Biology practical. i'm kind of not too mad about the incident that happened today. However, my friends really mind it as we did not get any chance to key in our group data. i do not know either i am a person with no heart or no feeling or just because this beautiful month, i rarely get mad on people.

MORNING~i started my day just like a rush hour. i wake up at 5 and because of tooo sleepy, i get into bed again. as a result, i have to do all the 'basic' in rush. how lucky me and friend can catch the bus.

FEELING~ i do get into crush to this human being but to think it back, i just wasting

my time.HORRIBLE!!! let's the feeling comes by itself!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

a clean slate

I were just started my first semester as the first year university student on 27 july. it was really a big task for me as all the system has change. i have to adapt to it. hopes that i would get to know better this life and gain gpa 7 for all subjects for this semester and the rest. ya ALLAH, bless my life, family and friends, muslims in the world and our prophet Muhammad s.a.w.Amin..........

Sunday, June 28, 2009

sweet 20th dear

today is my 20th birthday. everything seems like usual, like some wishes from my friends and i, of coursen appreciated this day more as my mom and father sacrifice for me for more than 20 years to grow me up until this age.

like i wishes, on my birthday, i don't want any hectic celebration on it. don't want people treat me like a princess of the day but just like a true friends.

i just want to improve my relationship with ALLAH, our prophet MUHAMMAD s.a.w, parents, siblings, friends and this world and hereafter.

today, i am fasting so that all my wish to success in both academic and life will be reality. i prayed for the success of my family, friends, Muslims and me myself. i hope we will live under the blessing of ALLAH s.w.t. Amin....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

it just started to begin

Life is just like a wide road from the beginning.
Hence we will meet many path of various diameter
The narrow path begin to wider at the end of it
While the wider started to narrow
The worse, its remains the same

there are a lot of chances in our life
first of all, when we are in the world of primary school everything seems to be so enjoyable.
problems just like the crashed nut that were stuck between the healthy teeth_easily to remove n forget the pain
everyday just like making a friends_ so joyous

secondary school seems alike but the last 2 years, the path started to appear_a short journey but big consequences
university,course,requirement,interest and more make us started to choose our own path
talent, natural ability,interest and caurages make us strongly fight the thorns and mud that blocked our jouney.
makes us to be more tough and spiritually strong.

LEARN FROM THE PAST........i'm so tired so, 2 b continued didi